Teacher, Kelly Manus. Picture: Spplied
Cape Town - A teacher’s TikTok videos exposing alleged sexual harassment by a colleague and subsequent job loss have gone viral, prompting an inquiry by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED).
The department said it is probing the allegations made this week by Kelly Manus, who said she was sexually harassed by a colleague, who she says is the husband of the principal at Symphony High School in Belhar.
The Belhar Lookout and Assist’s Alvin Kaliza told the Cape Argus that protest action and a march were planned for Friday, January 17, in support of Manus.
They called for no violence or incitement against the said principal.
Manus’s Tiktok videos reached over 900k views by Wednesday.
In the two-part video, a tearful Manus claimed the male teacher allegedly slapped her on the bottom and claimed he did not mean it with a sexual advance or intent, and that he treated her “like a daughter”.
https://www.tiktok.com/@kelly_manus/video/7459878726352915718Manus went on to say that she reported the matter to the principal and the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC), but that the matter had been finalised and closed.
“The sexual harassment case was finalised in November 2024. He was addressed and instructed to keep his distance and to refrain from behaviour like this,” Manus said via TikTok.
“No one addressed his wife for handling the case the way she did.
“The employment case is being investigated.”
She also claimed that she had been in the position known as a “growth post”, and was promised a permanent position but later lost her job.
“Teachers who were employed at the school after me, became permanent before I could,” she said.
“I re-applied again for conversion but it was declined and suddenly the vacant post I was in since 2022, is no longer vacant. Who is in my post?”
WCED spokesperson, Brongah Hammond, said they would be investigating the claims.
“The WCED is aware of the video that is circulating and the allegations raised. This was brought to our attention (yesterday) morning. We are making enquiries into the matter.”
Manus told the Cape Argus her intention with making the videos was not to insult or cause injury to anyone, but for awareness and to get her job back.
“I made a case with the ELRC on the last day of school last year. I have to await an outcome for an investigation,” she said.
“The reason for the video was with the intent of getting my job back and for people in positions like the principal, don’t abuse their power.
“I am not saying that because of the sexual harassment case I was let go, it’s a mere suspicion as I was supposed to be permanent under the previous principal.”
She added that no-one from the ELRC, WCED or her union had contacted her.
Kenneth Williams of the SA Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu) said they were aware of the videos but cautioned against commenting before they had all the facts.
Anti-GBV activist, Siya Monakali from Ilitha Labantu, said they were concerned about the allegations.
Bernice Loxton of the ELRC said they would look into whether Manus registered a case.
Proof of the case being registered with a case number was provided by Manus to the Cape Argus.
Numerous attempts to reach the principal and her husband was unsuccessful on Wednesday.