The dread of getting older, experts suggest, might be less about ageing itself and more about the fear of the unknown that comes with it. l NASHUA VOLQUEZ-YPUNG/PEXELS
In today's society, the pursuit of youth seems to outweigh the acceptance of ageing, with many in the Western world viewing the process as undesirable and, for some, frightening.
This dread of getting older, experts suggest, might be less about ageing itself and more about the fear of the unknown that comes with it.
The constant bombardment of anti-ageing advertisements only serves to deepen the anxiety, suggesting that to age is to become less attractive.
Yet, not all hope is lost in the quest for ageing gracefully. Nutritionists argue that while supplements aren't a magic solution, they play a crucial role in complementing a healthy diet.
As we age, our bodies might not absorb nutrients as well, making supplements a useful addition to meet our nutritional needs.
For some, however, the fear of ageing escalates into gerascophobia, a pathological fear that manifests in an obsession with health, illness, and death, alongside a desperate attempt to conceal any signs of ageing.
Kara Burnstine, a nutrition educator from the Pritikin Longevity Center, discussed the importance of a balanced diet, acknowledging the limitations of our food supply in providing all necessary nutrients.
She highlighted the benefits of supplements in supporting overall health and longevity, suggesting that even with a healthy diet, supplements are essential to fill in the nutritional gaps.
Interestingly, recent research indicates that regular exercise, such as running, can counteract the predisposition to diseases that run in families, confirming that lifestyle choices can significantly impact health outcomes as we age.
Living a healthy life by doing regular exercises, having enough sleep, not smoking, and eating well could add over five years to your life. This finding comes from a study shared in the BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine journal.
The study highlights that even if your genes make you likely to die earlier, having a healthy lifestyle can reduce this risk by 62%.
Five supplements to make a staple in your life to age gracefully
A new health guideline suggests that individuals should consume 1 200 milligrams of calcium daily before reaching 50, and then increase their intake to 1 500mg after the age of 50 to maintain bone health.
According to the Mayo Clinic, calcium is essential not just for keeping bones strong but also for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves.
Health expert Burnstine advised that those who may not get enough calcium from their meals to consider taking a supplement. However, she stressed that supplements aren't the only answer.
She recommended that along with your calcium supplement, make sure to have at least two servings of dairy or plenty of green leafy vegetables and engage in resistance training.
This is crucial for bone protection, more than anything else.
Vitamin D
Our bodies can't produce vitamin D on their own, underscoring the importance of getting it from sunlight, food, or supplements to stay healthy.
For individuals under the age of 70, it's recommended to get 600 IU of vitamin D daily. This requirement increases to 800 IU for those over the age of 70 due to the body's decreased ability to absorb vitamin D as we age.
Vitamin D is known for its role in creating strong bones. It also offers other significant health benefits.
According to the Mayo Clinic, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant, supports the immune system, aids muscle function and protects the nervous system.
According to Healthline, not taking care of your gut could cause a range of issues, from stomach upsets and tiredness to skin problems and immune system disorders.
Probiotics are beneficial because they increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut, which helps to fend off harmful bacteria.
Keeping our gut healthy is pivotal. When our gut health is in check, we see improvements across the board – less inflammation, clearer thinking, weight loss, better sleep, and a decrease in depression.
Our gut health is connected to nearly all aspects of our well-being.
People can get probiotics from fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, miso, tempeh and kimchi, as well as from supplements.
People over 30 should be getting 320 to 420 milligrams of magnesium every day.
Magnesium is important for mood, sleep, nervous system regulation, muscle health, overall energy and even DNA repair, according to Healthline.
People with subpar magnesium levels also have a higher risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.
Multivitamins are an easy way to get a variety of nutrients in one place.