GABS spokesperson Bronwen Dyke Beyer said the bus driver had been suspended pending an investigation. Picture: Supplied
Cape Town - Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) is yet to replace the furniture of the two families from Lusaka in Nyanga after its bus crashed into their shacks.
The two families narrowly escaped when the bus ploughed into the shacks after the driver of a third party vehicle swerved, allegedly to avoid a pothole, and caused the collision while trying to escape a crash.
GABS spokesperson Bronwen Dyke Beyer said the bus driver had been suspended pending an investigation. She said the driver, one of the residents in one of the houses and a young child were treated for minor injuries.
The repair and replacement process for the damaged property was initiated on Friday, she said.
One of the shack owners, Matshaya Mahlubandile, who was fixing the roof of the shack at the time of the incident, told the Daily Voice that his family – two grandsons – were inside as the vehicle flattened their home.
Matshaya said the driver told them that he was distracted by another car.
“I told the driver to reverse and then I got them under the iron sheets. Luckily they were not injured,” he said.
Neighbour Sipelo Sonjani, who said his one-year-old daughter was also found buried under the iron sheets of their shack, was unharmed while his wife sustained an injury to her hand.
Street committee member Buyiswa Mgavu said in two years, four such incidents had occurred on the Klipfontein Road where passing cars ploughed through shacks close to the pavement.
Magavu said that the safety of people was a constant concern.
“People had erected shacks close to the road as they had no space to erect them.
“We know and acknowledge the danger that comes with these shacks being near the road and especially for the children. This shows how desperate our people are to have a roof over their heads,” she said.
Magavu said furniture such as beds, cupboards and appliances were destroyed in the accident and that they were awaiting a response from Gabs.
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