Budgeting and finding the funds to implement the eThekwini Water and Sanitation turnaround strategy was crucial, said opposition parties in eThekwini.
The draft water turnaround strategy (TAS) report on the trading services reform strategy for the eThekwini Water and Sanitation (EWS) unit was tabled at an eThekwini Executive Committee (Exco) meeting on Wednesday.
Within five years, the EWS intends to invest R25 billion in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives. The two new regional wastewater treatment facilities, which will cost R2.1 billion to build in the 2027/2028 financial year, are the first significant projects.
In five years, the EWS intends to replace 160 000 water meters at a cost of R1.1 billion. Additionally, R2.6 billion will be spent over five years to replace 890 kilometres of water pipes. Over the next five years, the EWS plans to invest R15 billion in capital expenditures, or CapEx.
Deputy Mayor of eThekwini and National Freedom Party (NFP) councillor Zandile Myeni described the proposed strategy as a new chapter in the challenges facing the municipality.
She said the water supply issue was a national crisis but the new proposals will help the city bridge the gaps in the system.
“The water meter reading system is also a key issue. Our customers need to be billed correctly. Each plan must speak to the people on the ground. I commend the mayor and his team for the work behind the scenes. We must now see how best we can implement the plan. It must yield results,” Myeni said.
Exco and DA Councillor Thabani Mthethwa said the plan would have to be factored into the upcoming budget. Mthethwa was concerned about the impact public consultations would have on the budget.
“Without the budget, it is not worth the paper it is written on,” he said.
The words were also echoed by EFF Exco member Themba Mvubu, who said the report was detailed and comprehensive but for it to be fully implemented, a budget needs to be passed.
“A critical plan reliant on the budget,” he said.
Zama Sokhabase, Exco member, said the plan to install meters in rural areas was welcomed because it will update the municipality’s database and capture the addresses and names of homeowners.
“We will know how much water we are using in the city and rural areas. The public-private partnerships must be fast-tracked because areas like Umlazi and Umbumbulu are facing major problems,” she said.
Nkosenhle Madlala, ANC Exco member, said he supported the strategy as a practical and results-driven plan to tackle the ongoing water challenges in the city.
Madlala said the strategy is a clear demonstration of the government's commitment to ensuring a reliable water supply and improving the way they manage this essential resource.
“We also welcome the public consultation process behind this strategy. Engaging with communities and stakeholders is crucial to making sure the plan responds to the real needs of our residents and helps build trust in the municipality’s ability to deliver,” Madlala said.
He said a key strength of this approach is the alignment between the single point of accountability in the water business unit and the ring-fencing model outlined by President Cyril Ramaphosa in the 2025 State of the Nation Address.
Madlala said this will allow for focused leadership, faster decision-making, and greater efficiency in water service delivery; cutting through unnecessary red tape that often slows progress.
“Council must support this strategy not only in principle but to back it with the necessary funding. A plan without resources is just an idea. We must ensure that this strategy is implemented with urgency and accountability,” he said.
eThekwini Mayor Cyril Xaba said the city will consult with the public to hear their views.
“All hands will be on deck in the implementation of this business plan – the people’s contract on uninterrupted water provision. We can hold people accountable. If anyone deviates from this plan, consequence management must be implemented,” Xaba said.
The strategy will be presented to a full council on Thursday for approval.