A resident in Battersea Avenue shares their experience of a municipal water leak and the commendable efforts of local officials and community members in resolving the issue.
I am a resident in Battersea Avenue. I would like to inform residents of an incident that occurred from the December 17.
I noticed a lot of water flowing from under my house. I immediately called in a plumber and the problem was diagnosed as a leak on the municipal water line.
I sent an email and a WhatsApp to the necessary department. I also contacted Pranesh Singh and discussed the matter with him.
Pranesh realised that this was a major problem and came to my home after a short while. He came along with a team consisting of Councillor Alisha Kissoon and an inspector from the relevant department.
They inspected the damage and immediately got working. Emails and phone calls were made to the necessary persons. After hours of diagnosis and repairs the problem was solved.
I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation to Mr Pranesh Singh, Councillor Alisha Kissoon and the inspectors and staff of the water department.
I would also like to thank an independent contractor by the name of Indran for his tireless effort in trying to find the source of the problem. Very often I read nasty messages from irate residents criticizing the Councillor and her team. I think they need to be congratulated for the way my situation was handled. Mr Pranesh Singh is not paid for his efforts; he is simply a very determined community activist.
Ajay | Reservoir Hills
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Daily News