Will You Marry At First Sight?

Staff Reporter|Published

Brace yourself for the unexpected on season two of Married At First Sight SA

Living The Platinum Life

Entertainment Reporter|Published

Follow the lives of seven ladies as they step out of their significant other?s shadows and into the spotlight

WWE Superstars, The Bella Twins return To TV

Staff Reporter|Published

Brie and Daniel prepare for parenthood and Nikki gets a surprise proposal from John Cena

A Game Show To Help Entrepreneurs

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

SABC2?s Game Plan is touted as being more than just your average game show.

Who’ll make mincemeat of their competitors?

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

Flava Queens see the contestants cooking traditional township meals while adding a gourmet touch.

Let The Cooking Begin

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

The SA format of Australian based reality cooking competition is finally here.

Chef Higgs To Join J'Something on MKR SA

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

UPDATE: Charismatic chef David Higgs joins J?Something as judge on M-Net?s My Kitchen Rules SA.

Learn Business 101 on Game Plan

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

SABC 2?s Game Plan, is more than just your average game show.

Chasing Her Dreams

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

Follow South African songbird Lira, as she goes about making her 6th studio album - Born Free

Hip Hop Is Taking Over Sport Disciplines

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

A passion for dance has allowed Craig Bullock and Nicki Wiggett to help youth across the country shine and build their self-esteem.

Make A Date With Trash TV

Alyssia Birjalal|Published

Why do we get so invested in reality TV shows?

Potter actor tells of alcohol dependency


He was an 11-year-old schoolboy who suddenly became one of the biggest child stars in the world.