Philippa Larkin appointed executive editor of Business Report

Philippa Larkin, the newly appointed Executive Editor of Business Report. File image.

Philippa Larkin, the newly appointed Executive Editor of Business Report. File image.

Published Feb 28, 2024


Mohammed Hoosain, the acting CEO of Independent Media, announced yesterday that Philippa Larkin has been appointed as the executive editor of Business Report.

Larkin has an impressive 20-year journey within the realms of financial journalism and embodies the very essence of dedication, expertise and journalistic excellence.

Hoosain said: “Her new role is a testament to her exceptional skill set, her unwavering commitment to the craft, and her deep understanding of the financial landscape. Throughout her career, Larkin has demonstrated an innate ability to navigate the complexities of the financial sector, earning her a place of respect and admiration within the South African business and finance environment.

“Her reporting acumen and editorial insight have not only enriched readers, but have significantly contributed to the evolution and success of Business Report over the years she has been involved,” he further added.

“As Business Report has transformed, Larkin has played an integral part in steering its content across multiple platforms, including digital, print and social media, thereby ensuring that Business Report’s news remains accessible, relevant and impactful.

“Her commitment to quality is matched by her dedication to continuous learning. In her own words, newsrooms are ”alive and adapt to technological advancements as well as readers’ changing habits“. This philosophy of adaptability and growth underscores her approach to journalism and leadership, a blend of respect for tradition and an eagerness to embrace innovation,” Hoosain said.

“It is this balance, combined with her extensive experience and respected standing in the industry, that makes Larkin the ideal leader for BR in these changing times.”

Newly appointed editor-in-chief and former Business Report editor, Adri Senekal de Wet, said: “Philippa’s journey with Business Report is a shining example of professional distinction and personal tenacity. It is these skills and more that make Philippa such a valuable member of the Independent Media family and we look forward to sharing in the publication’s future successes.”

Larkin said: “I am humbled by the appointment and would like to extend to the Independent Media’s team, whom I greatly respect, a thanks of gratitude.

“I rest on the shoulders of giants and have learnt from the best in the industry. When I walked into the Business Report newsroom all those years ago, I worked with legends of journalism, now deceased, ranging from veteran journalist Ronnie Morris, top-notch journalist Wiseman Khuzwayo and my dearly beloved newsdesk-in-arms colleague, Sechaba ka’ Nkosi.

“Their dedication to the craft is something I can only aspire to and be humbled in the memory of. A thanks to the kind words of former economics reporter Ethel Hazelhurst, who has always said I could do more.”

Larkin added: “After nearly two decades of hands-on experience in the newsroom, in all spheres I hope to lead Business Report to a more financially inclusive era, where business is demystified, with information more readily available. For example, JSE-listed companies were once struggling small businesses that evolved. How can we as South Africa level up entrepreneurs, through an enabling environment, and not make it so intimidating?

“I would like to thank Business Report’s readers for their continued support and engagement,” she said.