Lawyer demands release of security company owner after Bo Kaap shooting

Cameron Aberdeen, 31, the owner of Cerberus Tactical Security (CTS), made his first appearance at the Cape Town Magistrates yesterday afternoon on charges of murder and attempted murder. Picture: supplied

Cameron Aberdeen, 31, the owner of Cerberus Tactical Security (CTS), made his first appearance at the Cape Town Magistrates yesterday afternoon on charges of murder and attempted murder. Picture: supplied

Published Feb 6, 2024


Cape Town - The lawyer of defending the security company boss, alleged to have killed a Bo Kaap father, said his client should never have been arrested on Friday.

Cameron Aberdeen, 31, from Cerberus Tactical Security (CTS), made his first appearance in the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court yesterday afternoon.

This after Moegamat Waleed Abrahams was shot several times during an altercation.

Another person, a woman, was shot in the hand.

Aberdeen appointed well-known criminal defence attorney William Booth to represent him.

The State yesterday asked for the case to be postponed until Thursday for bail information.

Waleed Abrahams, a father of two was gunned down in Bo-Kaap on Friday. Picture Supplied

Booth requested Aberdeen to be detained at the Cape Town Central police station.

“The reason for that is that there is concern for the safety of the accused if he is detained at Pollsmoor.

“On Saturday he had to be taken to hospital for injuries and spent most of the day at Christian Barnaard Hospital.

“He runs a security company in the CBD that includes Bo-Kaap. I have documents from the community supporting the work he does in their community.

“He runs a coffee shop in the centre of town that was attacked and vandalised as a result, he contacted the police and went to the Bo-Kaap to apprehend the culprit.

“An incident took place where he was on duty, he went with colleagues and was then attacked by a whole group of people who were armed. The shooting incident took place.

“One of the colleagues was admitted to hospital. This is not a situation where the accused shot somebody and there was no reason. He acted lawfully, he should not have been arrested. The investigation should have been done first.”

This is where the dead body was. Picure: Leon Knipe

Booth said his client should be released on bail.

“His address has been provided to the investigation officer. There is no objection that he does not enter Bo-Kaap; the business can continue. He handed himself over, he was on the scene, we request the bail to be fixed. He has no prior convictions, pending matters or warrant of arrest. The deceased was armed with a firearm. If someone is attacking you, you have every right to defend yourself.”

The accused is to remain in custody until Thursday and will be kept at Cape Town police station cells.

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