Taxi boss arrested for serious crime now accused of trying to bribe officials in prison

The taxi boss and businessman who was arrested for various and violent crimes appeared in the Athlone Magistrate’s Court for bail application. Bonke Makalala, 33, was arrested December 9 in Pretoria where he was allegedly hiding. Picture: Supplied

The taxi boss and businessman who was arrested for various and violent crimes appeared in the Athlone Magistrate’s Court for bail application. Bonke Makalala, 33, was arrested December 9 in Pretoria where he was allegedly hiding. Picture: Supplied

Published Jan 9, 2024


Cape Town - The State prosecutor in the case of the taxi boss and businessman arrested for serious crimes revealed that the accused tried to bribe officials in prison.

Bonke Makalala was arrested in December for illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition. He was in Pretoria with his girlfriend at the time of his arrest.

Makalala appeared in the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court on six charges dating back to 2018.

On August 17, 2018, in Old Crossroads, Nyanga, the accused was arrested for possession of an unlicensed 9mm firearm. A similar offence was allegedly committed in the same area in 2020.

The accused is said to have killed Masixole Batwali, who was a taxi boss, by shooting him multiple times on December 13, 2019. He is also accused of shooting and wounding a woman by the name of Asive Batwali, and a 9-year-old child.

During the formal bail hearing, prosecutor Nico Breyl said: “While in custody in Malmesbury the accused offered the Correctional Services officers “Christmas Boxes” but they refused.

“And instead they reported the attempted bribery.”

Breyl told the court Makalala should remain in jail as his release will endanger the safety of the public.

“The accused is involved in serious violent crimes; on more than one occasion he was arrested with illegal firearms, and he faces a premeditated murder charge.

“In Pretoria he was arrested with an illegal firearm in his possession with 31 9mm live rounds.

“There is an intimidation case that dates back to May 2023 in Delft. The person intimidated was murdered in October. Abscondment is a likelihood; he will evade his trial in which he faces life imprisonment. The police went to look for him in the Eastern Cape and didn’t find him and heard through sources that he was in Pretoria.”

Makalala’s legal representative, advocate Reuben Liddell, told the court his client denies the allegations of attempted bribery.

He also said the taxi boss has three fixed addresses in the province, in Khayelitsha, Blue Downs and Durbanville, but the State said that couldn’t be confirmed.

The attorney informed the court that Makalala is a father of two who are his dependants; and his sickly mother relies on him financially and for transportation to the doctor as she suffers from hypertension.

He read the 17-page affidavit which stated that the accused has 17 taxis, four buses and 42 employees.

Makalala has no previous convictions, no outstanding warrants and three pending matters, in Blue Downs, Pretoria and Wynberg.

He said he plans to plead not guilty.

“I will plead not guilty, and I strongly believe that I will be acquitted. I adhered to all the bail conditions, the bail was not cancelled and on February 25, 2022 the Athlone matters were withdrawn.

“I was out for almost two years when it was withdrawn. No further investigation was performed. There is nothing suggesting endangering the safety of the community nor any threat. I’m innocent. I have established roots in the community, and the police have always known where to contact me.”

Makalala told the court he is willing to pay R15000 bail.