Fad diets, make-up tips in Unfair Lady

Published Dec 8, 2015


Arts Writer

POPArt Productions presents Unfair Lady at Alexander Upstairs Theatre in Strand Street from tonight until Saturday at 9pm.

Wriiten by Gwydion Beynon ( The Epicene Butcher, El Blanco: Tales of the Mariachi), the production consists of 12 new stories about women, about being a woman and, of course, about women’s magazines.

Fill up on the new fad Honesty Diet, work out with Masterbatics, get five of the hottest new sex and make-up tips, and hear about real women’s “struggles”.

Unfair Lady is directed by Orly Shapiro and features Rachael Neary and Hayleigh Evans.

Neary is a theatre actress and improviser whose recent performance credits include Actress and Girl, Father. Father. Father. and Aquarium.

l The running time is 60 minutes. Seating is unreserved. Tickets: R100 online, or R120, www.alexanderbar.co.za

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