Strut your stuff at Cape Town Carnival

Published Sep 16, 2015


Arts writer

WITH a little over five months to go, organisers of the Cape Town Carnival have called on members of the public to help bring the 2016 parade to life.

The annual Cape Town Carnival– now in its seventh year – will take place on March 12. The organisers are encouraging talented individuals and groups to creatively participate or volunteer in the city spectacle and unite in making it their own.

C reative director, Brad Baard, says: “ Cape Town Carnival is a platform for artists, performers, designers, anyone and everyone, to ‘strut their stuff’ and celebrate their creative expression. This is an opportunity for the public to get involved and be part of the spectacular action. This is Cape Town Carnival, and by playing together, we can create magic.”

Participation can take the form of performance, musicians or artists, designers, sculptors and makers.

Those who have a creative masterpiece they have been longing to share, or an idea to create something new, are encouraged to join in on the action for next year’s event.

Baard continues, “Participants can collaborate and work in teams, or submit their participation applications as individuals – everyone is welcome. There is certainly no shortage of ways people can get involved and make the 2016 Cape Town Carnival their own.”

Individuals or self-organised groups of dancers, musicians, actors or performers who would like to feature on a float or in the parade can apply. For those who wish to be more informally involved – either by busking or performing on an open stage – Cape Town Carnival is hoping to spread the festivities beyond the parade and onto the street, encouraging Cape Town to own the carnival night. Applications for performers close on October 31.

Designers and makers of sculptures, puppets, floats, props and costumes are also invited to put their concepts forward. Those who are unable to make their own creations can propose the idea to Cape Town Carnival. If it is chosen for development, the organisers will commission a build-ready design and the Maker Team will bring it to life for all to see.

They are also accepting ideas for street décor or furniture which include robust, reusable and versatile items for temporary use on the street during carnival night. Design applications close on September 30, with the shortlist being announced on October 9 and the successful candidates being informed by October 12.

The invitation is also open to those who have an existing costume, headdress, a gadget or vehicle and would like to see it come alive in the electrifying parade. Cape Town Carnival may be able to help mobilise those selected for inclusion in the event. Applications for including existing artworks close on September 30.


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