Cosatu wants Ramaphosa to safeguard labour laws and workers’ gains

Published Jun 20, 2024


Cosatu has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to keep the concerns of workers and working-class communities close to his heart when he appoints the Cabinet in the coming days.

In a statement congratulating Ramaphosa on his inauguration for a second term, the labour federation’s spokesperson, Zanele Sabela, said Cosatu derived great pleasure in seeing one of our own ascend to the Presidency.

“President Ramaphosa is the former general secretary of our affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers. We are certain that the negotiation skills he perfected as a member of the labour movement will stand him in good stead, as he steers the country forward from this historic moment,” Sabela said.

She also said the May 2024 elections were difficult for alliance partners, the ANC, the SACP and the labour federation.

“We are grateful that millions of ordinary South Africans entrusted the ANC to be the leader of government nationally and (some) provinces.”

Sabela said the country found itself in unfamiliar territory with the installation of a government of national unity (GNU) 30 years into democracy.

“As the president prepares to name his Cabinet, we call on him to keep the concerns of workers and working-class communities close to his heart by appointing ministers that understand this mission.

“We expect him to safeguard the labour laws and gains that workers fought tooth and nail for over many decades,” she said.

“Once announced, we expect the new Cabinet to roll up its sleeves and start the work to grow an inclusive economy, create decent jobs, tackle poverty and inequality. Despite the inclusion of the right-wing DA in the GNU, we expect the government to be biased towards the working class, coherent, stable and anchored on the ANC manifesto.”

Sabela said Cosatu further expected the government to diligently pursue the transformation agenda, lay the foundation for the implementation of the National Health Insurance, action a universal basic income grant and comprehensive social security, intensify the war on crime and corruption, and accelerate the renewal campaign.

“The GNU must also invest in a well-resourced and capacitated developmental state, support the African agenda and pledge solidarity with struggling nations across the world, including the Palestinian and Cuban people.”

Sabela said Cosatu would be engaging its alliance partners, the ANC and SACP, on the reconfiguration of a Cabinet that would deliver a better life for all.

Cape Times