Sanco leader fills vacant ANC councillor post in CoCT

ANC provincial spokesperson Khalid Sayed and Thando Dedezane.

ANC provincial spokesperson Khalid Sayed and Thando Dedezane.

Published Jul 10, 2024


The South African National Civic Organisation (Sanco) has welcomed the filling of an ANC proportional representation seat in the City of Cape Town Metro by Thando Dedezane, who is one of their provincial leaders.

Dezezane filled a position left vacant by Thandi Makasi who took up a position as an MP in Parliament.

He was inducted in the office of the speaker of the City of Cape Town Metro earlier this week.

This came after a row erupted between the ANC provincial leadership and the Dullah Omar regional leadership.

The provincial leaders ignored a request by the region to deploy regional chairperson Ndithini Tyhido and chose instead Dedezane to take up the position as the next person on the candidates list.

In a statement, Sanco’s peninsula regional spokesperson Buntu Gwija congratulated Dedezane, who doubles as the civic organisation’s deputy provincial convenor, on his deployment by the ANC in the Western Cape as a PR councillor.

“This deployment marks a significant step in our ongoing efforts to uplift and unite the marginalised communities of our region,” Gwija said.

He said Dedezane’s role was critical in addressing the many injustices faced by the poor, including lack of access to essential amenities, disaster management, unjust and draconian by-laws as well as the continued use of inadequate sanitation systems.

“His inclusion in the council is a testament to the ANC’s recognition of its own democratic processes and the importance of reconfiguring the alliance to better serve our communities.”

Gwija also said Sanco stood firm in believing that the unity of the marginalised, the neglected, and the downtrodden was paramount.

“Councillor Dedezane, like his fellow councillors, has a duty to record and address the plight of those who have placed their trust in him. We are confident that he will heed this call and work tirelessly to bring about the change that is so desperately needed.”

Cape Times