‘My family disowned me solely because of my sexual orientation’

The South African community, regardless of one’s beliefs, must know that the LGBTQIA+ community poses no threat to our nation, says the writer. Picture: ANA Archives

The South African community, regardless of one’s beliefs, must know that the LGBTQIA+ community poses no threat to our nation, says the writer. Picture: ANA Archives

Published Jun 20, 2023


Johan Goosen

I am sharing my personal story as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community in South Africa.

For almost nine years, I have proudly identified as gay, celebrating my authentic self and embracing love and acceptance.

However, this journey has not been without its challenges, as my own family disowned me solely because of my sexual orientation.

I come from a small town in the Northern Cape. I speak up for the LGBTQIA+ community as I was well raised by two parents, but life wasn’t easy for me.

The pain of rejection from one's own family is indescribable. It leaves scars that can last a lifetime. It is disheartening to witness the divisions within our society, where prejudice and discrimination still prevail against individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+.

These biases perpetuate a cycle of hate speech and inequality, hindering the progress towards a truly inclusive and harmonious South Africa.

I implore the South African community, regardless of one's beliefs, to recognise that the LGBTQIA+ community poses no threat to our nation.

Our diversity is not a weakness but a strength that enriches our society. It is high time we put an end to hate speech, fostering an environment where every individual can express their identity without fear of condemnation or violence.

Moreover, I want to address my fellow Christians, urging them to reflect on the teachings of love, compassion, and acceptance that lie at the heart of Christianity. Rather than waging war against humanity, let us strive to build bridges, understanding, and respect.

Our faith should guide us towards unity and harmony, not division and animosity.

In a country as vibrant and diverse as South Africa, it is our collective responsibility to champion equality, protect human rights, and foster a society that celebrates every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Let us remember the constitutional promise of freedom, equality, and dignity for all and work towards making it a reality for every member of our society.

I hope that by sharing my story, I can contribute to raising awareness and promoting dialogue on this critical issue. Change begins with each one of us, and it is my fervent hope that my fellow South Africans will join me in building a more inclusive, accepting, and loving society.

I am writing this with a heavy heart, fuelled by personal experiences and the urgent need for change. I implore parents across our nation to reconsider their reactions when their children come out as LGBTQIA+. We live in a country blessed with countless individuals who are ready to offer support and understanding, ensuring that no child feels pushed away or marginalised for who they truly are.

It is disheartening to witness how societal biases, often rooted in religious beliefs, can cause parents to reject their own children solely based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community myself, I have experienced first-hand the pain of being pushed down and unheard while desperately trying to share my truth.

South Africa is a country with a rich tapestry of diversity, a nation that has overcome the oppressive shadows of the past. We have fought for equality and human rights, yet we still have work to do within our own homes. I urge parents to understand that their children's identities do not pose a threat to their faith or values.

Love and acceptance should not be conditional; they should be the pillars upon which we build stronger families and communities.

It is vital for parents to listen to their children in order to create a safe space where they can freely express their feelings, fears, and experiences.

By dismissing their words, we risk silencing their voices, causing irreparable harm. As parents, we have a responsibility to protect and nurture our children, ensuring their emotional well-being.

Denying their truths and lived experiences undermines the trust and confidence they have in us.

Moreover, I urge parents who hold strong Christian beliefs to reflect upon the true essence of their faith. Christianity teaches love, compassion, and acceptance. It encourages us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, who embraced and uplifted those on the margins of society. Our faith should not be used as a weapon to perpetuate discrimination but rather as a guiding light towards unity and understanding.

To the parents who may be hesitant or struggling to accept their children's identities, I implore you to seek knowledge, engage in open conversations and connect with support networks that can provide guidance. There are numerous organisations, community groups, and fellow South Africans who are ready to offer assistance, resources, and a listening ear.

Johan Goosen

The LGBTQIA+ community stands as a beacon of hope for those who have endured pain and struggle. We have experienced isolation, rejection, and internal battles. Let us join hands, parents and children alike, to foster a culture of love, acceptance, and support within our families.

Together, we can create a South Africa where every individual can thrive, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

It is my sincere hope that this letter serves as a catalyst for reflection, dialogue, and positive change. Our children deserve to be loved unconditionally, and it is within our power as parents to provide them with the affirmation and support they need to navigate their journey.

Goosen is a passionate LGBTQIA+ community activist dedicated to promoting equality and inclusivity

Cape Times

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