KZN government officials in court over R24 million tender fraud



Published May 23, 2023


Durban — Officials who were from the KwaZulu-Natal’s Premier’s office, including the Chief Financial Officer, that were arrested in 2020 for fraud, corruption, and money laundering appeared in the Durban High Court on Tuesday.

Ziphathe Cibane as well as the head of supply chain management Nonhlanhla Hlongwa and seven others accused face charges in relation to a R24 million tender.

Of the nine accused, five were from the office of the premier and they are alleged to have disregarded supply chain procedures by colluding with service providers in securing catering tenders.

The other OTP officials are personal assistant Nomusa Zakwe, 35, administration clerk Njabulo Makhathini, 34, and senior administration clerk Sithembiso Msomi, 53, they are out on R5 000 bail each.

Cibane is out on R10 000 bail while Hlongwa is out on R5 000.

Seven companies are further accused in the matter bringing the total number of accused in the matter to 16.

Cibane and Hlongwane are alleged to have received bribes from some of the accused companies in return for tendering contracts, juniors under Cibane were allegedly instructed to process paperwork for such in return for bribes.

In court, the State indicated that was anticipating receiving more requests for further particulars from counsels confirming that it had already received such from defence for accused three and 16.

Further, it said that it would respond to requests by June 23 and set a deadline for any further requests arising from its response to be July 15.

Defence for the accused who were present in court except, Makhathini’s attorney, indicated that by 9 June they would have submitted their request for particulars to the State.

“It’s quite clear that a few requests still need to be filed. The idea is to expedite trial proceedings,” said presiding Judge Mohini Moodley.

She reiterated that all requests needed to be filed by June 9 adding that on that day she did not expect the lawyers and accused in court except for Makhathini.

“The court will move to direct the counsel for accused four to appear before court on 9 June, to explain why he formally did not let the court know he would not be here, and why he did not arrange another counsel to sit for him and to also provide and requests on particulars,” said Judge Moodley.

A date for a pretrial in the matter was set, for August, where all accused and their lawyers were to be in court.

Makhathini before this, after being asked by the court where his lawyer was said that, he had been informed that he was sick.

“He told me this morning that he is not well.”

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