Mozambique spitting cobras are still active, says Durban snake rescuer

Nick Evans caught a Mozambique spitting cobra in a lounge in Reservoir Hills. l NICK EVANS

Nick Evans caught a Mozambique spitting cobra in a lounge in Reservoir Hills. l NICK EVANS

Published May 14, 2023


Durban — Mozambique spitting cobras were active in April and still were.

This was according to Durban snake rescuer, Nick Evans, after he rescued two cobras on two consecutive days.

Evans said that on Thursday afternoon, as he pulled up into a driveway in Westville North to remove a Mozambique spitting cobra, his car started making a horrible noise.

Evans said that after capturing the ±80cm cobra, he popped into Dubcorp to have the car checked.

On Wednesday, Evans caught a Mozambique spitting cobra in a lounge in Reservoir Hills.

“Mozambique spitting cobras have been extremely active in April and still are, fattening up for winter, while toads are scarce. I’ve caught a few that have just fed,” Evans said.

“A few dogs of late, which have tried attacking these snakes, have been on the receiving end of what has to be the best methods of self-defence of any snake, becoming unfortunate statistics in my study on pet/dog conflict in Durban.”

Evans said that if a dog is spat at, please wash the eyes out thoroughly with water, and a trip to the vet may be necessary.

The same goes for humans (although a human doctor is more ideal), Evans said.

Evans said that Dubcorp identified the problem and the car needed new brakes.

Evans said knowing that he has a rather urgent line of work which depends on his car, Dubcorp ordered the parts and had them fitted by the end of the day.

“I cannot thank them enough for their swift help. I'd struggle to do my work without them,” Evans said

He said that other than that, his “snakemobile” has been going strong, raking up the mileage. The Tough Dog Suspension (fitted by Buckenham 4x4) and Lightforce Performance Lighting spotlights from Opposite Lock 4WD and Vehicle Accessories have made a world of difference in driving on rough roads.

He said that the seat covers, with the black mamba embroidered on them, from Takla products catch people’s eye, but more importantly, provide a more comfortable ride.

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