Snakes alive! Guard smashes through counter-top trying to flee a black mamba that came visiting

The black mamba was skinny, and actually, a dirty mamba. Like it had moved through a muddy puddle. Picture: Nick Evans

The black mamba was skinny, and actually, a dirty mamba. Like it had moved through a muddy puddle. Picture: Nick Evans

Published Dec 29, 2022


Durban — Although there is no footage, one can picture how a security guard tried jumping on a chair and falling, then jumping onto a counter and smashing through it, before fleeing the room when a black mamba came visiting.

That was what happened to a security guard in Manor Gardens in Durban on Wednesday afternoon.

Durban snake catcher Nick Evans said that security guards have to be alert wherever they are stationed – alert for suspicious human behaviour.

But on this occasion a security guard saw something else in the guardroom that raised alarm bells.

“While sitting in his office, a 2.3m black mamba slithered in, next to him. As just about anyone would, he completely freaked out. If I got the story right, he tried jumping on his chair to get out the window but fell off. Then he jumped onto the counter to jump out the window, but fell through it, and ended up going out the door,” Evans said.

He said the mamba would have been getting just as big a fright as the security guard.

The snake took cover behind a locker in the corner across from the door.

“I feel so sorry for him that he had to experience that. However, I found the story a tad bit amusing. He was fine.

“He’s lucky it was a black mamba and not an armed human. He’d likely be dead or in hospital if it was,” Evans said.

The black mamba was skinny, and actually, a dirty mamba. Like it had moved through a muddy puddle. Picture: Nick Evans

Evans said that the neighbourhood watch (NHW) was alerted and they contacted him and he met two members at the site.

He said the mamba was behind an easy-to-move locker.

“Easy catch, I thought. I was told it was active, it had come out of there, and went back. But this mamba was having a bad day and was in no mood to be poked and grabbed with a stick,” Evans said.

He added that one of the NHW gentlemen stayed in the room with him to help. That did not happen often.

“I pulled it out a bit, and the whole body quickly came out, and started moving to my right, behind a table leg. I grabbed the tail and tried grabbing around the neck area with the tongs. That was a serious offence to this mamba. It lashed out at me. That was unexpected. It was almost like a very short charge. Caught me off guard!” Evans explained.

He said that despite their reputation, black mambas were not normally as cheeky as this one was.

“I had let it go, and it moved along the walls to a cabinet, but there, I had little difficulty. I pinned it down before it could give me another fright.

“I suppose I deserved that for finding the guard’s predicament amusing,” he joked.

Evans said that it was a fairly underweight female mamba.

“I reckon it laid eggs in the last month, somewhere (could be far away), and she’s hunting rats to put back on the weight.

“I think the guard will be keeping his door closed in future,” Evans added.

A security guard freaked out by a black mamba that slithered beside him, smashed the counter top while trying to flee through the window. Picture: Nick Evans

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