Woman behind 93 counts of fraud to pay back more than R123 000 to the Road Accident Fund

The Durban Specialised Commercial Crime Court convicted and sentenced Mariette Paulo, 49, for 93 counts of fraud. Picture: Arek Socha/Pixabay

The Durban Specialised Commercial Crime Court convicted and sentenced Mariette Paulo, 49, for 93 counts of fraud. Picture: Arek Socha/Pixabay

Published Aug 6, 2023


Durban — A fraudster is expected to pay back more than R123 000 to the Road Accident Fund (RAF) after being convicted and sentenced.

Hawks KwaZulu-Natal spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Simphiwe Mhlongo said that on Wednesday, August 2, the Durban Specialised Commercial Crime Court convicted and sentenced Mariette Paulo, 49, for 93 counts of fraud.

Mhlongo said that in December 2017, Paulo defrauded the RAF by misrepresenting herself as a registered industrial psychologist. She claimed to be qualified and registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). As a result, she was hired to consult with the RAF claimants and submit an industrial medico-legal report on their behalf.

“An amount of R151 441.23 was paid to her and a case of fraud was reported at Point police station,” Mhlongo said.

He said that the case docket was allocated to the Hawks members from Durban Serious Commercial Crime Investigation for further investigation. She was then arrested and charged with fraud.

“Paulo was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment which is suspended for five years on condition that she pay back an amount of R123 941.23 to the Road Accident Fund. She was further sentenced to three years of correctional supervision,” Mhlongo said.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated incident, in February, the Durban Specialised Commercial Crimes Court convicted and sentenced Lorna Nardini, 55, for eight counts of fraud.

Nardini recruited people and submitted false accident claims to the RAF in May 2011. The RAF suffered an actual loss of R100 000 with a potential loss of R365 000.

Mhlongo said that following an internal investigation, a case of fraud was reported at Point police station and the case docket was allocated to Hawks members from Durban Serious Commercial Crime Investigation. Nardini was arrested in January 2017 and appeared in court several times until she was sentenced.

“Nardini was sentenced to pay a fine of R100 000 or five years’ imprisonment of which R20 000 or one year is suspended for five years on condition that she is not convicted of fraud or theft during the period of suspension. She will further undergo three years of correctional supervision,” Mhlongo said.

“Nardini was ordered to pay a deferment of R80 000 as follows, R1 333 on March 7, 2023, until the last payment on March 7, 2028.

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