Darren Maule denies Keri Miller’s allegations of bullying

Darren Maule. Picture: Supplied

Darren Maule. Picture: Supplied

Published Apr 21, 2023


East Coast Radio Breakfast Show Host Darren Maule hit back at bullying allegations publicly shared by his former co-host Keri Miller.

Miller and Maule went public with their opinions this week after Miller took to Instagram to share a live 35-minute video telling followers of the reason behind her “termination“ from the station after seven years.

In the Instagram Live video, an emotional Miller told her followers that she was “fired” from the radio station and was told that she could not disclose why she was terminated as ordered by the station management on the day she was let go.

Miller also released a statement via email. In the statement, titled “Setting the Record Straight”, Miller broke her silence “after the management at East Coast Radio (ECR) took the decision to take her off air with immediate effect after inviting her to a ‘feedback’ meeting held on 28 February”.

She told followers that she felt “ bullied” by Maule.

Maule reacted to her statement after two days and said: “Dear Friends, As most of you know, my former Breakfast co-host, Keri has made a statement on social media after her departure from East Coast Radio.

“In her statement she implied that I’m a bully and a misogynist. I am neither.

“I am a doting father to my daughter and step daughters, a devoted husband to my wife, and an outspoken activist for women everywhere. I feel like my character has been attacked for something I do not engage in nor stand for.

“It is purely this implication that has forced me to speak out now. I am a public figure and I accept that I will be inserted into public debate, however, on this topic I am uncompromising. I am not a bully and I am not a misogynist.

“It was no secret that Keri and I had a strained relationship for many years and didn’t see eye-to-eye on several matters. This eventually led to our situation becoming untenable and after many unsuccessful interventions, the matter of her departure was one between her and ECR.

“Keri is an incredible performer and broadcaster, as highlighted by her career and time with us on air. I wish her all the best in her future endeavours.”

East Coast Radio Breakfast Show hosts Darren Maule and Keri Miller. Picture via Keri Miller on Facebook.

Followers gave their opinions on his reaction:

thenjiwecomedy wrote: “I am so sorry to hear that Darren, I can't comment on the allegations because I don't know her side of the story but I would like to let it be known that in all my years of knowing and working with you I have never experienced any negative vibes, bad treatment or bullying from you.

“It has always been a pleasure to work with you and I hope this matter can be resolved without damaging your character and reputation. Sending you a big hug 🤗❤️.”

sandraleejooste wrote: “Darren Maule with respect, we listened every morning, there were mornings where we as the listeners cringed at some of what was said on live radio, you may not have intended for your words to come across the way they did, but I think her point is valid.

“She was picked on, on the show and whether it was for extra clout, planned, intentionally or unintentionally, you don't get to tell a person who you've hurt that you haven't hurt them.

“Its sad that two great radio personalities have been reduced to this due to lack of proper management. ECR as a company failed her, they failed us as listeners, they may have tried to help, but on whose terms?

“You're a bright guy, I watched Keri’s statement. I didn't think that she said you bullied her, it came across more as if she felt bullied in general, by the whole situation. I love you both and will continue to listen.

“I just wish that a person’s feelings, regardless of one’s personal opinion, could be validated. What she feels is real, and it should have been taken more seriously.

“A joke is a joke until it isn't and when she raised the point, it should have been heard. 🙏”

nicky_gms6 wrote: “Humble yourself Darren. You are invalidating Kerri’s feelings once again, as you have many a time live on air with all of us listening.

“She never attacked you in her video, she said she felt bullied. Kudos to her for speaking her truth. I must say I'm quite disappointed that Sky hasnt reached out to Kerri. I'm done with ECR. ✌️”

debichristie2' wrote: “Maybe go back and listen to a couple of your shows Darren Maule. You did bully her and you should be ashamed of yourself. You really do think you are the bee’s knee’s but the proof of the pudding is in the eating unfortunately.

“Now you have lost a lot of listeners. I will never listen to the Breakfast Show ever again and I’m sure by the comments a lot of people will not either. Keri Miller, for what you put up with from a arrogant bully, I take my hat off to you for being so brave and putting up with it for so long.

“Don’t ever let anyone dim your light. You are amazing and you have every right to hold your head up high. Sky, you have disrespected Keri, who was your best friend and someone you trusted enough to make the godmother of your precious boy and that is how you treat her!!!!

“It’s shocking that you would totally cut her off which proves that you stand by Darren bullying her.”

lush_nadz wrote: “I believe your statement Darren Maule, but sometimes when we hear things about ourselves that we don't like. We have to self reflect and take accountability for our words and the way they affect the next person.

“Sometimes, good people with good intentions say the wrong things. When someone tells you how your words and actions make them feel, don't tell them their feelings are not real.

“Say, ‘wow! I didn't realise my words landed that way, and that was never your intention’. Being a loving father and wonderful husband can co-exist with other negative behaviours, if those are not recognised.

“I have read most of the comments here, and the majority are not positive towards you. You need to ask yourself why. You have a live audience daily who hear what goes on, so many can't be wrong and misinterpret what they have heard.

“Good people make mistakes. Great people own up and are accountable for their words and actions!“

juliezimbali wrote: “Phew!!! You have messed up Darren. The male ego has brought many a man to his knees. Your response on this platform is patronising to say the least.

“You should have remained silent, or, better still, apologized What a weak response to Kerri’s post. But, oops, we must not forget, it’s your show and ECR has made that very clear by ‘ terminating’ her. What about you and your part in her ‘termination’.

“To your knees you shall go if you do not change this egotistical attitude. Such a pity. 😞”

Miller was chuffed by the support and told IOL Entertainment that she did not want it to be a fight against Maule, but merely to take a stand on the industry and challenge the status quo of workplace disparity in studios across the country.

Miller added: “The sudden and inconclusive announcement of my departure left listeners, followers, fans, and sponsors confused. I am sharing my experience publicly to clear up any misconceptions about why I left the station.

“The overwhelmingly positive response and support from the public in the past 24 hours have left me feeling grateful beyond words.

“However, it is disheartening to learn that many others have had similar experiences across the country, and it's eye-opening to realise how often this scenario plays out in workplaces.

“It’s infuriating to read comments from employees, both men, and women, who feel helpless, defenceless, and unsupported in similar situations.

“I am fortunate to have a platform to speak out, and I want to emphasise that this issue is not about gender, but about workplace bullying and its appropriate management.”