Mona Monyane asks women if they match up to the expectations they have of men

Mona Monyane. Picture: Instagram

Mona Monyane. Picture: Instagram

Published May 26, 2023


Seasoned actress, producer and businesswoman Mona Monyane recently took to her Instagram to share some food for thought.

The former “Muvhango” star got real with her queens when she asked if they themselves meet the requirements and expectations they put on men.

In the caption she wrote: “We all have ‘a list’ of what we want from our "Mr right" but have we asked ourselves this question? #powtalks #powerofwellness.”

In the video, she talks about an “expectation list” that some women put together when looking for a suitable partner.

While that’s a great start to finding Mr Right, Monyane asks the serious question of whether or not the women who make these lists also live up to the same standards.

“Chomi, you know that thing we do, have a list of things we want from a man? Chomi, when we write that list, do we write who we should be to be deserving of that man?

“All I am asking is that we have expectations of other people, but are we deserving of that, that we expect from them?

“If you want a man who is going to take you on trips, buy you things … What are you bringing to the table queen? The complicated thing about this life is that men also have expectations, men also have requirements, men also have feelings and desires.

“But we haven’t really trained ourselves very much to be able to receive listening to what it is they say they want; what they want and what level we are expected to maintain in order to get what we want from them.”

She ended by giving her queens an example of what she meant.

“If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, can you clean, can you cook, do you know how to raise children, do you know how to be a nurturing partner?

“Are you going to be able to hand him a plate of food when he comes home from work and massage his shoulders and ask him, ‘how did your day go’”

Watch the full video.

Monyane’s fans resonated with the topic and filled the comments section with praise for her bringing the conversation to the forefront.

“The kind of conversations we should be having. Love this. Women tend to make relationships about themselves but ke no one wants to go there,” commented Pollie Sejosing.

“Love this Mona. You’re def helping by calling us on our selfishness as women. Thank you mma, perspective!” said Bonolo Kambai.