Tebogo Lerole wants to restore evicted Soweto Gogo’s dignity with benefit concert

Tebogo Lerole. Picture: Facebook

Tebogo Lerole. Picture: Facebook

Published Oct 19, 2022


Musician and activist Tebogo “Edward Billion” Lerole and a host of other local celebrities including Mdu Masilela, Kagiso “Gwyza” Diseko, Mr JazziQ, Lethabo “Thabee Happy” Malemone and Keke Mphuti have pledged to help raise funds for the evicted Soweto Gogo.

This comes after a video of Gogo Kenaope Violet Mosidi being marched out of her Meadowlands home following an eviction allegedly by the new owner, caused an uproar on social media earlier this month.

In response to the video, many organisations and celebrities expressed their dissatisfaction on various social media platforms with some, including Lerole, labelling the incident as inhumane.

“This world must be coming to an end, how does a 103-year-old Gogo get evicted in full view and nobody does jerk ish? 💔🥺Can someone please tell me this is a big joke,” wrote Lerole on his Instagram page.

“The old lady is supposed to be enjoying her retirement, not depressed from losing her home.”

Following this incident, Lerole reached out to his fellow celebrities to host the “Gogo Benefit Concert” in honour of Gogo Mosidi.

The concert is set to take place at a popular Soweto Lifestyle restaurant, Disoufeng Pub & Restaurant on Saturday, October 22.

Lerole told IOL Entertainment, the benefit concert is aimed at restoring Gogo’s dignity and faith in humanity.

“I believe we were all brought up in communities where we protect and look after our elderly people,” said Lerole.

“Apart from the work we do, I am the chairman (of) Mzansi Act, we focus on programmes for gender-based violence and femicide. We also have an affiliation with the Edward Billion Foundation, which focuses more on social development and social upliftment of the elderly, LGBTQIA+ communities and children.

“So, we felt that if we weren’t going to do something to help Gogo, it would be an injustice to the work that we are doing,” explained the muso.

Lerole said the goal of the concert was to raise between R350 000 and R1 million, and all the proceeds of the event will be donated to Gogo Mosidi’s family.

“Our key focus is to celebrate Gogo and if possible get her house back or buy a new house. We want to raise a minimum of R350 000 from the ticket sales and our maximum target is to make over a million and donate to the family.”

Lerole confirmed that he had consulted with the family about the event.

“We haven’t been in touch with Gogo personally because she’s at an old age home.

“We met the family and told them about our intentions… some were reluctant at first but they eventually agreed to the concert to assist Gogo.

“Even on the day of the concert, we’re going to have the family join us. We have also asked them if Gogo can join us, even if it’s for five minutes.”

IOL Entertainment reached out to Gogo Mosidi’s granddaughter Keitumetse Kgosimang, who confirmed that the family had “lengthy meetings” with Lerole and his associates and a consensus had been reached to help Gogo.

Kgosimang also confirmed that the issue of Gogo’s eviction and the mystery sale of the house were under investigation and Gogo’s children and grandchildren were currently occupying the house.

“We have explained to Gogo that there are people who want to help her and she is happy and in high spirits. We are waiting for feedback from the social workers to confirm if Gogo is well and fit to attend the concert this weekend,” said Kgosimang.

Tickets to the Gogo Benefit Concert can be purchased from Computicket at R200.

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