Rich history captured in surprise school mural

Maris Stella pupils got back from their holidays to the surprise of a beautiful mural marking the school’s 125th anniversary painted by Shaun Oakley, better known as Damn Vandal. Showing their appreciation are back from left, Renata Elahi, Jessica Groom, Azile Ngubane, Rebekah Fleischer, Londeka Zuma and Georgina Manzie, and in front, Nala Mdleko, Ava Love Oakley, Létanya Lazarus, Similesihle Khoza, Milla Arbizu, Amelia Roberts and Drew Gild. | Shelley Kjonstad/ Independent Newspapers

Maris Stella pupils got back from their holidays to the surprise of a beautiful mural marking the school’s 125th anniversary painted by Shaun Oakley, better known as Damn Vandal. Showing their appreciation are back from left, Renata Elahi, Jessica Groom, Azile Ngubane, Rebekah Fleischer, Londeka Zuma and Georgina Manzie, and in front, Nala Mdleko, Ava Love Oakley, Létanya Lazarus, Similesihle Khoza, Milla Arbizu, Amelia Roberts and Drew Gild. | Shelley Kjonstad/ Independent Newspapers

Published Jan 20, 2024


Durban — To mark its 125th anniversary, Maris Stella organised a mural to surprise the girls as they started the 2024 academic year.

The mural aimed to capture the history of one of Durban’s oldest schools.

Graffiti artist and illustrator Shaun Oakley, aka Damn Vandal, said he was honoured to be responsible for work that would celebrate such a milestone. He said Maris Stella had a special place in his heart because generations of his family had been part of the school and ‒ his daughter was a current pupil.

“I wanted to emphasise kindness, happiness, beauty and love all in one visual. That is what the school is all about and I thought it was very important to convey this in the mural,” he said.

“I’ve included a schoolgirl facing her friends and the school with confidence and placed a bird on her shoulder to represent her kind soul. Her hair is neat and tied up to represent her self-pride. The confetti within the mural also represents the celebration.”

‘Damn Vandal’ Shaun Oakley painting the surprise mural to celebrate Maris Stella’s 125th birthday. | Shelley Kjonstad/Independent Newspapers

School principal Joan Schmidt said: “As part of our 125th celebrations, we have launched our ‘Made for More’ campaign, emphasising the belief that Maris Stella girls are destined for greatness beyond academic excellence.

This theme resonates with the core values instilled by the Holy Family Sisters over the years, nurturing not just pupils but empowered individuals ready to make a lasting impact on the world.

“Our anniversary celebrations honour our school’s remarkable history, while looking to the future with optimism, grace and determination. Maris Stella continues to be a trailblazer in education, shaping the lives of young women who are indeed ‘Made for More’,” Schmidt said.

“As we commemorate this significant milestone, the spirit of unity, resilience, and empowerment shine brightly, reflecting the enduring legacy of Maris Stella.”

She said the school wanted to add a visual dimension to the festivities, so it commissioned Oakley to create a mural on the school’s boundary wall on Stephen Dlamini Road. The artwork served as a reflection of the school’s identity, she said.

To mark the milestone the school is offering 25 scholarships for 2025 for grades 6-10.

Independent on Saturday