Editor’s Note: Look for good value when feeling the pinch

Published May 27, 2023


While those with debts will feel the pinch of the latest interest rate hike (see Page 3), many will still have spare cash to invest, and Martin Hesse today completes his look at whether gold is a safe bet (Personal Finance, Page 14).

Having a disagreement with a financial services provider? Ruan Jooste takes a deep dive into changes coming in financial services dispute resolution procedures (Personal Finance, Page 15).

With winter settling in, we look at the impact of the seasonal cold/flu (Page1), while Frank Chemaly gives the nod to a Thai spot where you can get some heat via one of their curries (Page 7). On the same page is a recipe for a lemon posset so simple, even I might have a go.

But the big issue today is the shortage of vets, and the threat this poses to food security (Page 1).

And now a heads-up.

Costs occasioned by load shedding, and increases in newsprint and fuel price, mean a R2 increase for Independent on Saturday from next week.

While R13.50 may seem steep, what can you get for that amount these days?

A cup of coffee cost R35, a toasted sandwich R60, a 50g snack bar R17.50 and bath soap R15 a bar.

When you think about it, the IOS is still good value for money.

And don’t forget, subscribers get a discounted price. Call 0800 204 711 to subscribe.

The Independent on Saturday