Editor’s Note: No pythons in the ’hood, thank you



Published Feb 4, 2023


What is it with all the big cats being spotted around?

Not that I have anything against cats, big or small.

Readers of this column will know that cats are my catnip ‒ can’t get enough of them.

The latest (per our story on Page 1) is a leopard which seems to have made its home on the Hilton College nature reserve, which is its natural habitat and where it has caused much excitement.

In recent weeks, two tigers escaped their enclosures upcountry. One was spotted in the suburb of Edenvale, and reports indicate it was darted and captured with no harm done.

The earlier incident, in which tigress Sheba escaped from a Walkerville farm, did not have a happy ending.

Sheba was shot dead after attacking a man and a number of domestic animals.

I cannot understand the mentality of those who insist on keeping “exotic”, usually dangerous, animals as pets.

Rarely does it end well when these animals escape and find themselves in unfamiliar territory, or suddenly confronted by humans who have no idea how to react.

The practice must be regulated, with permits issued, regular checks and neighbours informed.

I would want to know, and object, if my neighbour decides to keep pythons at home (I have not nearly the same warm feelings for reptiles as I do for cats).

Update: The Barth family of Morningside are still waiting for the sewage problem which results in muck flooding their property to be resolved. The municipality says it has identified the problem and will commence work soon.

The Independent on Saturday