Skunks the latest heaven-scent pets

A young skunk peers out of a basket

A young skunk peers out of a basket

Published Apr 15, 2011


London - There are those pet-lovers for whom a cat is too conventional and a mutt simply too mundane.

But it appears they wouldn’t turn up their nose at a skunk.

For, perhaps surprisingly given the black-and-white mammals’ penchant for causing a pong, they are the latest must-have furry friend.

Following crazes for tea-cup piglets, pygmy hedgehogs and meerkats, it seems that baby skunks, with their soft fur and ability to be house-trained, are proving an ideal family pet.

Owners are undeterred by the strong scent the animals can release when threatened, saying they are cleaner than dogs or cats.

Breeders estimate that there are around 2,000 kept as domestic pets, and demand is increasing.

Katie Sleightholme, 30, allows her skunk, Busby, the run of her home.

She paid £375 (about R4 000) for her pet, who is 17in long and weighs 10lb, but skunks can cost up to £1,500 in a shop.

The mother of three, who already has two dogs, 13 guinea pigs, three rabbits and two hamsters, says her children Ella, eight, Alfie, five, and 19-month-old Maisie dote on their new pet.

She said: “Most nights he will crawl up and sleep on my shoulder and snuggle into my neck.

“He’s incredibly affectionate and sociable. He follows the kids around when they are playing and even sleeps with the two dogs.

“We are trying to train him to walk with a lead and harness so we can walk him with the dogs.”

Skunks are omnivores with a natural diet including insects, fruits, nuts, mice and other small mammals.

Mrs Sleightholme, from the Wirral, feeds Busby chicken, which she tops up with fruit and vegetables.

“But he will dig into the dog’s dry food if left to his own devices,” she said.

Breeder Seb Miller, of Bristol, says he sells around 200 skunks a year.

“If they are trained properly when they are younger then there is no need to worry about them spraying,” he said.

Mrs Sleightholme agreed, saying: “Busby made a stink once and it just smelled slightly of garlic.

But since we’ve trained him, there have been no problems. He has a litter tray and uses that like a cat. The dogs make more mess.”


Skunks are members of the weasel family and live an average of ten years, but sometimes reach up to 20.

They can vary in length from 15 to 37in and weigh up to 18lb.

The Animal Welfare Act bans the removal of their scent glands.

Skunks spray a liquid when they feel threatened. The odour, similar to rotten eggs or garlic, is enough to ward off bears and other attackers.

As babies, they are nocturnal, but can adapt to their owners’ sleeping patterns when older.

Although they can bite when young, with good training and handling they can be taught to stop.

The species is native to the Americas, Indonesia and the Philippines. - Daily Mail

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