Tweeps are confused by Tito Mboweni’s latest culinary snaps: ’So you turned the chicken into cabbage?’



Published Oct 28, 2021


When it comes to Tito Mboweni’s dinner tweets, the Internet will not rest.

The former minister of finance has proved a formidable force in the kitchen, but even sometimes he admits he gets things wrong.

His most recent foray didn’t go down as expected with Mboweni proving his sense of humour by re-tweeting the responses to his latest dish.

Taking to Twitter, he started off by sharing his prep work.

We should have known things were heading for disaster when he captioned the post: “It is now official. The chicken has been drowned… !”

A few hours later, Mboweni shows off the finished product which was intended to be a stew. Instead, it looks like a shredded molten mess.

— Tito Mboweni (@tito_mboweni) October 27, 2021

Quite chaffed with himself, he posted images of his plated meal.

Understandably, the reactions ranged from disbelief to pure comedy.

“What’s the purpose of the bone in the plate because it has been striped off it’s dignity,” asked one tweep.

— ᵐ̲ʸ̲ ̲ᶰ̲ᵃ̲ᵐ̲ᵉ̲ Tebogo (@HazelTebogoK) October 27, 2021

Another questioned what exactly was on his plate: “My question exactly, it looks like mogodu.”

— P H I R A N H A (@Phiranha_RED) October 28, 2021

The last time Mboweni got Twitter talking was after presenting his pilchards dish.

But it was eagle-eyed tweeps who picked up on his new dining-room furniture.

In the meantime, he’s been canvassing hard on social media to help the ANC win the local elections due to take place on November 1 by even posting throwback pics of his time in London.

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tito mbowenitwitter