'My wife's tired of my dirt phobia'

As the taboos surrounding mental health have been gradually stripped away in recent years, the physical and mental impact of loneliness was thrust into the public consciousness.

As the taboos surrounding mental health have been gradually stripped away in recent years, the physical and mental impact of loneliness was thrust into the public consciousness.

Published Dec 4, 2015


QUESTION: I suffer from a phobia about dirt, and although I have done my best to keep it under control, and my wife has done all she can to help me, it's getting worse.

Now my wife says she's come to the end of her tether. She says that unless I leave for a few months to give her a break, she'll divorce me. I have very few friends and I couldn't afford to go to a hotel, so I don't know what to do. The only person who would have me is my sister, who lives miles away in the country, away from everything familiar. And her house is very messy and dirty.

What shall I do?

Yours sincerely,



ANSWER: Sorry as I feel for you, I'm afraid my heart does also go out to your poor wife, who must find it incredibly stressful living with someone who is phobic about dirt. Presumably this involves a lot of hand-washing and carpet-cleaning and constant worrying about germs and obsessing about food and so on.

It's difficult enough living with anyone “normal”, without coping with someone's phobia as well. And it's not as if your phobia is something entirely private, which wouldn't have any impact on her. Because you live in the same house, your wife must be tremendously affected by this and it's no wonder she's come to the end of her tether, however much she loves you.

However, it isn't she who's writing to me, it's you, and my advice to you is not to dream of leaving your home. Stay put, whatever you do! You have what amounts to a serious illness and, as you say, you'll find it virtually impossible to find anywhere to live except a flat on your own, which you could keep as clean as you liked. And presumably, since you can't afford a hotel, you'd find buying property a financial difficulty, too.

No. If your wife can't stand your phobia, then it's she who should leave for her three months of respite. Not having an illness, her options are far wider - she could stay anywhere, however scruffy - and anyway, it is she who is fed up with the marriage, not you. Don't go anywhere.

Consider, after all, the worst scenario: I'm not saying this would happen, but it could be that the moment you leave, your wife will change all the locks, pack up all your belongings and deliver them to your new address.

If you feel you absolutely have to move out, then at the very least consult a solicitor before you set foot on the front path, and perhaps get a letter drawn up saying that you are only leaving to save your marriage. Get your wife to countersign this - so you can't be accused of desertion, which might affect the outcome were it all to come to a divorce in the end.

I would first of all consult a lawyer anyway, to find out exactly what your rights are, and be sure to have a doctor's letter available, which will describe your illness in detail. Having a phobia like this, if it's really severe, is completely disabling, after all. It presumably makes going out to work difficult if not impossible, and it may be that you find difficulty even in getting to the shops.

I would then suggest marriage counselling of some kind - again, if you initiate it, you will be the one seen to be making an attempt to save this marriage, which, of course, is what you want. If your wife hasn't got some hidden agenda in persuading you to leave, then you never know: this might really help both of you.



Another perspective from an Independent reader:

I can relate to your phobia, having lived with this for most of my adult life. I have had a lot of help, though, and there appear to be two schools of thought. The traditional view is that this can be helped with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The other view, I think, is that the phobia is a person's mind's way of distracting itself from the thing that is really troubling one - a sort of self-defence mechanism, perhaps.

I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 20 - terrified of dirt, among other things. I would advise you not to move out, but to commit to getting some help. In this way, you will be able to move forward together with your wife. If you leave, you may become very low, which might make things harder in relation to your phobia. Perhaps your wife would be willing to give this a try also, and may feel some hope based on your comitment. For my part, a combination of acknowledging the real problem in my mind (which may not be easy to comprehend, and may not be necessary, depending on how you feel) coupled with some CBT, has worked miracles. My wife has read my letter, and agrees, being able to relate to your wife. Paul, I promise, the brain is elastic, and you can learn new ways to think. But you need some help. Good luck, mate.


The Independent

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