Can an online sexual health service change how South Africans deal with sex-related illnesses? Contro says it can

Topics relating to sex are still taboo to many South Africans. Picture: Pexels

Topics relating to sex are still taboo to many South Africans. Picture: Pexels

Published Jul 19, 2022


Contro is a new online sexual health and product prescription and delivery service

Should we talk about sex? No thank you, is how most South Africans would respond.

Well, not outside of the bedroom anyway.

South Africans are so conservative and embarrassed when it comes to sex or sex-related issues that they even feel uncomfortable talking to a doctor about it.

However, sexual health is a fundamental part of an individual’s health, which too many people tend to ignore because of this.

But Contro, a new online sexual health and product prescription and delivery service is aiming to take the inconvenience and awkwardness out of the in-person sexual health conversations dreaded by South Africans.

South Africans avoid topics surrounding sexual health. Picture: Pexels

This online service offers virtual private and confidential consultations with real doctors who prescribe and discreetly deliver the right treatment at no extra cost.

Contro founder and chief executive Alex Schmid believes that being able to address sexual health questions and concerns virtually, allows more people to take control of their sexual health and sex life without fear of judgement.

We spoke to Schmid about the service and how it intends to change the South African mindset.

Are South Africans ready for such a service?

At Contro, sexual health is not only about STIs but also UTIs, thrush, and what we like to call choice treatments such as contraceptives, hair loss and erectile dysfunction treatment.

South Africa has always been a conservative society, however, we have multiple pandemics in the area of sexual health within South Africa that are going unchecked and untreated due to the fear of talking about the topic.

Regardless of whether South Africans feel ready or not we need to talk about sex, sexual health, and STIs because our biases, judgements and beliefs are causing significant harm to our society from both a health and socio-economic perspective.

This can be shown with current statistics surrounding some of the service and treatment areas Contro assists with:

When it comes to STIs, there are over 10 million active STIs per year in individuals between the ages of 15 to 49 in South Africa, excluding HIV infections. When combined with the 7.9 million HIV-positive individuals in South Africa, the total number of STIs sits at 17.9 million active infections per year.

With a population of just over 59 million individuals, it means nearly one in three individuals will have an active STI every year. That is a pandemic. (Source: NICD)

When it comes to birth control, between 2015 and 2019 there were 1.96 million pregnancies a year on average in South Africa, of which an average of 1.27 million each year were unintended. Over a third of these ended in abortion. This is a pandemic that can be addressed at the source with effective use of birth control. (Source: Guttmacher Institute)

Regarding erectile dysfunction, 40% of men under the age of 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction (Source: Cleveland Clinic), and 50% of all diabetic men will experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lifetime (Source: NICB).

Just within these three categories of sexual health, the socio-economic impact on South Africa’s healthcare systems and the economy is simply unsustainable.

Therefore, the stigma surrounding sexual health needs to be addressed immediately.

“We at Contro want all individuals to start talking about sex, and sexual health and we want to ensure greater access to affordable, convenient and discreet healthcare for all those in South Africa, the company said.

“The good news is that we have already started to make an impact. We have already assisted over 1 500 individuals to access the sexual health treatment they need. Our customers span from Sandton to Soweto, Clifton to Khayelitsha, and even to the borders of South Africa.

“In fact, individuals residing in townships account for nearly 40% of our total customer base and we’re exceptionally excited to fulfil our mission of creating greater access to healthcare in South Africa for all.”

For many people doing something as basic as online shopping and payments is daunting. How do you possibly convince someone to do something this “invasive”?

Accessing birth control or treatment for erectile dysfunction and even STIs is a choice, one that is often made difficult due to the various barriers to accessing sexual healthcare.

Arguably the two most difficult hurdles for individuals to overcome are firstly approaching a healthcare facility or practitioner to gain access to treatment. This hurdle requires an individual to not only find accessible healthcare facilities but also open up about their sexual health in the physical presence of a stranger who may or may not judge them for their actions or choices.

Secondly, the cost of not only a doctor’s appointment and the potential prescribed medication, but also the travel between each establishment and the time it takes to get through the traditional process, makes it even more daunting for individuals who are seeking and need help.

“Contro removes all of these barriers by utilising the power of technology through our platform, creating more accessible access to licensed healthcare professionals and treatment options with our discreet virtual consultations, which can be done from anywhere through a phone or laptop, and our discreet free nationwide delivery anywhere in South Africa, including townships. Therefore Contro makes sexual healthcare and the treatment of specific areas non-invasive compared to the traditional physical process,” the company said.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, most men are not even willing to admit to having a problem. Would your service make that easier?

“We agree. Men don’t talk enough about erectile dysfunction (ED), especially considering how common a condition it is. We’re here to change that. As previously mentioned, 40% of men under the age of 40 have erectile dysfunction, and 70% of men at the age of 70 have erectile dysfunction (Source: Cleveland Clinic),” the company said.

Therefore, it’s time we change the narrative around ED and start encouraging conversations about the topic rather than continuing to stigmatise it.

The whole process of obtaining ED treatment through Contro is affordable, convenient and discreet.

From their virtual consultations to a free nationwide delivery offering, they’ve ensured that individuals can get access to non-judgemental and non-biased medical professionals and ED treatment on their terms, from their homes with complete privacy from only R150 per month.

When it comes to birth control, how do you know what’s best for that person?

“When assessing patients, our processes and our partner doctors don’t only consider the individual’s health but also their financial capabilities to ensure the correct method, type or brand of birth control is prescribed for the individual’s unique body, budget and lifestyle,” the company said.

How can you assure patients’ confidentiality?

“Our customers’ data and confidentiality is our highest priority. We use industry-standard best practices when it comes to securing customer information. The Contro platform is POPI and GDPR compliant.

“All information remains encrypted at all times with bank-grade processes, and access to data is strictly limited to a minimum number of applicable individuals and subject to confidentiality commitments.

“Our security posture is regularly reviewed and we have advanced monitoring in place to detect malicious attempts against our systems, which are also able to automatically remediate these actions,” it said.