Another racist incident reported at Maties 48 hours before pee incident

Two weeks after the release of a documentary called Luister, which shed light on alleged racism and discrimination against 'students of colour' at Stellenbosch University, hundreds of students gathered on the steps of the admin building to submit a memo of demands to the university’s authorities. File Picture Henk Kruger/Cape Argus

Two weeks after the release of a documentary called Luister, which shed light on alleged racism and discrimination against 'students of colour' at Stellenbosch University, hundreds of students gathered on the steps of the admin building to submit a memo of demands to the university’s authorities. File Picture Henk Kruger/Cape Argus

Published May 17, 2022


Stellenbosch University’s Juridicial Society has asked the university to investigate a racial incident where a student was humiliated 48 hours before a student urinated on fellow student Babalo Ndwayana’s belongings.

The society said it was appalled by the racist incidents.

In a statement they said a woman student was made to feel humiliated at the Law Dance when another law student allegedly verbally abused her.

“It involved the request by an Indian student that an Indian song be played. Upon this request, a white law student allegedly (made) abhorrent, racist and defamatory comments that are offensive and degrading.

“These comments were reportedly witnessed by another law student, who failed to assist in the matter and laughed in response when asked for help from the victim. Up until this date the victim has not received a satisfactory apology for harm suffered,” the statement reads.

The society said the guise of free speech to belittle and undermine black people and minority groups within the faculty would not be tolerated.

The Faculty of Law at the university condemned the racist incident at male residence Huis Marais and has also called on the university to investigate the incident that took place at the Law Dance.

“The Faculty of Law is furthermore deeply distressed to have been informed of a reportedly racist incident at the Law Dance on Thursday, 12 May 2022. Although we are yet to establish all the facts related to the incident (and the outcome of any related disciplinary process), we condemn any form of discrimination in the strongest of terms.”

The university in a statement confirmed that an investigation was also “under way into an alleged incident that occurred at the Law Dance on Thursday, 12 May, when racist remarks were allegedly made towards a female student”.

“University authorities are in discussion with individuals, attendees of the dance, faculty leadership and student representatives to ascertain the facts at hand as well as more information about the formal complaint by the affected student.

“Authorities have also met with the affected student, while she has also been assisted in the process of reporting the matter to the university’s Equality Unit. The Law Faculty will also ensure that she has access to the necessary counselling services,” the statement read.