Former NFP secretary-general to announce new political home after his party ‘betrayed its values’

Published Jun 18, 2024


Former National Freedom Party (NFP) secretary-general Canaan Mdletshe will make an announcement about his new political home this week.

This comes after he resigned as secretary-general of the NFP over the party’s coalition pact with the ANC and DA in KwaZulu-Natal.

There has been speculation that Mdletshe had resigned from the NFP to join the new kid on the block, the uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP), while others suggested that he could not handle the pressure.

Mdletshe revealed to The Mercury that many political parties have approached him to join them. Mdletshe said he has already made up his mind and the political party he will join will be revealed this week.

Mdletshe said the NFP’s coalition agreement had nothing to do with serving the interests of the people of KZN, but about self-enrichment.

“I cannot give the specific date, but this week I will make an announcement. I will be joined with other former NFP senior leaders, we believe the party has betrayed its values and we cannot remain faithful to it. I will not form my own political party that is not currently on my mind,” Mdletshe said.

Mdletshe was one of the most senior members of the party, having been with the party since its formation in 2011 under the leadership of the late Zanele kaMagwaza-Msibi.

The party has been rocked by a litany of internal power struggles since the death of KaMagwaza-Msibi, and losing its main power base in KZN with many of its supporters returning to the IFP.

The Mercury