Goods recovered in KwaMashu after courier vehicle hijacking on the N2 near Spaghetti Junction

A white VW Polo was used by suspects to hijack a courier vehicle on the N2 near Spaghetti Junction. Picture: Marshall Security

A white VW Polo was used by suspects to hijack a courier vehicle on the N2 near Spaghetti Junction. Picture: Marshall Security

Published Dec 13, 2022


Durban – A courier van was hijacked while travelling on the N2 near Spaghetti Junction on Monday by suspects in a white VW Polo.

Marshall Security managing director Tyron Powell said the hijacking occurred at about 9.15am

He said an unknown number of suspects driving a white VW Polo forced the courier vehicle to a stop, then held up the driver and fled the scene with the vehicle.

“All necessary law enforcement members were informed and responded accordingly, leading to the vehicle being recovered shortly thereafter in the Chesterville area by the police, SS Tracking Ground Teams and private security,” he explained.

Powell said further information led members of the security company’s Special Operations Team, SAPS Phoenix Trio Crimes Unit and SS Tracking to the KwaMashu area

“The suspects’ vehicle containing some of the stolen items taken from the courier vehicle were recovered, with more found in a nearby house,” he said.

Powell said no arrests were made.

He added that the stolen items and the vehicle used in the commission of crime were taken to KwaMashu SAPS for further investigation and processing.

Police have been approached for comment.

Last week, Marshall Security urged motorists to keep their guard up this festive season following a noticeable increase in hijackings and vehicle thefts.

Powell said during the first five days of December, teams recovered seven stolen and hijacked vehicles from across the greater Durban area.