Greater Edendale Mall management happy with Heritage Month activity



Published Oct 3, 2023


Durban - Management at the Greater Edendale Mall in Pietermaritzburg say they are impressed with the improvement in customer numbers witnessed in September, and the support for the recently held flea market underlines how customers continue coming to the mall.

Gugu Ngcobo, the mall’s marketing manager, said that while the flea market was in its second year, they had been satisfied with the manner in which customers had responded in supporting the initiative.

Last year the the flea market had seven exhibitors, but this year the stalls increased to 20 and there had been wide praise for the initiative, especially the traders, according to Ngcobo.

“We had ladies that trade in beadwork, and different kinds of craft work with others selling traditional dishes which proved quite popular. One lady came to thank me because through the flea market she made R3 000. To us that is a sign of success,” said Ngcobo.

With the year in its last quarter, the marketing manager expressed optimism for more customers, citing how the mall’s parking was constantly full. “We can’t wait for the festive season because each week and month people from Imbali and Greater Edendale are becoming more aware of the many shops that we now have and are opting to use them,” Ngcobo continued.

She indicated that while the economy was sluggish, the support from the local community was encouraging.