PSA calls for balanced approach to digital transformation at Home Affairs

The Public Servants Association (PSA) said that it acknowledged the urgency expressed by the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the need for digital transformation at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

The Public Servants Association (PSA) said that it acknowledged the urgency expressed by the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the need for digital transformation at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Published Aug 25, 2024


The Public Servants Association (PSA) said that it acknowledged the urgency expressed by the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the need for digital transformation at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

The PSA added that it fully supported the goal of modernising the DHA’s systems to enhance efficiency and safeguard national security.

“It is vital to address practical realities faced by the employees who are integral to these changes. The PSA urges the minister to ensure that the digital transformation is supported by adequate funding, sufficient staffing, and robust support systems.”

The PSA said it was crucial that this modernisation process did not add further strain to the already challenging working conditions experienced by DHA employees.

“The successful implementation of these changes hinges on also recognising the importance of the employees.The PSA commends the DHA’s ongoing efforts to address challenges and improve service delivery. Several critical issues must, however, be highlighted from the perspective of public servants tasked with executing these initiatives. Dedicated employees are the backbone of these operations. “

PSA added that the DHA must ensure that all plans acknowledge and reward the efforts of these public servants. “Adequate support and recognition are essential for maintaining morale and ensuring effective service delivery. Whilst the DHA’s plans to enhance service delivery are commendable, there are concerns whether resources allocated to these initiatives are sufficient.”

The PSA said that inadequate resources and outdated infrastructure could hinder employees’ ability to provide high-quality services. “The PSA urges the DHA to address these issues as a priority, ensuring that any new initiatives are backed by the necessary resources. The PSA is also concerned about the current working conditions and overall well-being of DHA employees. Any plans that involve increased workloads or additional responsibilities must be accompanied by measures to prevent employee burn-out. The DHA should implement strategies to support staff well-being and work-life balance.”

The PSA added that meaningful dialogue between the DHA and its employees was essential for the successful implementation of any new plans. “The PSA encourages the DHA to engage in open and transparent consultations with unions to facilitate a better understanding of the challenges faced by staff and foster a collaborative environment for addressing these issues.”

The PSA said that as new systems and processes were introduced, it was imperative that adequate training and development opportunities be provided to all employees. “Ensuring that employees are well prepared to adapt to changes is vital for the effective operation of the DHA in its services to the public. The PSA supports the DHA’s objectives to improve efficiency and service delivery, but these initiatives must be implemented with careful consideration of the impact on employees.”

PSA added that it was committed to working with the DHA to address concerns and ensure that the interests of employees were represented throughout the transformation process.


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