Deal with Haqqani threats - Clinton

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Published Sep 19, 2011


New York - The Obama administration is pressing Pakistan to help the US fight the Haqqani insurgent network after last week's attacks on the American embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan.

US officials say Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told her Pakistani counterpart, Hina Rabbani Khar, that the Taliban-affiliated militants must be dealt with. They say Khar agreed with Clinton that the Haqqani network was a threat to Americans and Pakistanis alike.

The officials spoke about the private meeting on condition of anonymity.

Clinton met Khar on Sunday in New York, a day after the US ambassador to Islamabad cited evidence linking the network to the Pakistani government. The charge risked raising tensions in the anti-terror alliance.

The officials said Clinton and Khar's three-and-a-half-hour meeting started and ended with counterterrorism. - Sapa-AP

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