By: Nomaswazi Nkosi
Pretoria - The Pretoria Old Motor Club’s fortnightly car show this week featured American classics.
Andre Allers, 56, from Montana, had perhaps the most evocative on display - a 1964 Chevrolet Impala Sheriff’s car.
“This actually was a Sheriff’s car,” Allers said. “We had it imported from the United States about six years ago.”
The car is still in its original condition except for a tiny radio that had been fitted. The siren and police radio are still in working condition and, because of the red police light on top of the car, permission from the Minster of Transport had to be obtained before it could be deemed roadworthy in South Africa.
The Impala police cruiser is for sale and Allers said he was hoping to get more than the $59 000 (R937 000) he spent importing the car.
The club has been in existence since 1969 to celebrate classic cars in all their glory. Each fortnight it displays different types of cars depending on the theme. The calendar this year includes British Day, Cars on the Roof, and a Vintage and Veteran Day.
Other cars on display at the American Classic weekend included Kobus Mostert’s green 1970 Cadillac convertible, Creig Jeannes’ 1923 Dodge, and a first-generation Ford Mustang with an almost completely original interior. The pictures were taken by Thobile Mathonsi.
Pretoria News