Scooby drivers least likely to claim

Published Jul 17, 2013


Subaru is shaking off its image as a 'boy racer’s car'. According to an analysis of more than 13 million online car-insurance quotes in the UK, over a period of a year, Subaru drivers were the least likely to claim from their car insurance, followed by Smart and Fiat owners. The analysis was conducted by MoneySupermarket .

In fact, Subaru drivers were less likely to be younger drivers, and more likely to be in their thirties and forties and insuring the popular Impreza model, which indicates that Impreza owners take good care of their unusual and rather special cars.

The result was completely unexpected, said insurance exprt Peter Harrison.

"Subaru is shedding its image of a car for petrolheads; they're actually being driven by older, safer drivers instead of the 'drive it like you stole it' younger motoring generation.

"But that doesn't directly translate into them paying the cheapest premiums," he added. "Other factors also play a part, such as engine size, distance driven, where you park and your profession."

"Smaller cars are generally cheaper to insure as the cost of repairs and parts are likely to be lower than those on more premium models."


Institute of Advanced Motorists director Neil Greig pointed out: "Hot hatches with wide wheels, loud graphics and louder exhausts may not be easy on the eye (and ear!) but they're often very carefully looked after by enthusiastic owners.

"From Audi to Volvo the best drivers take care of their driving and their cars because they know crashes will cost them in terms of higher premiums and ultimately second-hand value."

Another surtprise was that, despite its dubious reputation as a rookie driver's car, the Fiat Cinquecento turned out to be the individual model least likely to claimed for, while Seat, Kia, Mini, Honda and Mazda drivers (in that order) were the most accident prone.

In more than half the claims submitted, the insured driver admitted they were at fault; their claim values averaged £3025 (R45 000).


Harrison went on: "Whether you're at fault or not, a crash can be a traumatic and costly experience; either way it will push up your premiums."

"If you've been involved in a crash - even if it wasn't your fault and you claim from the other person's insurance policy - your provider may assess you as being more likely to be in an accident in the future and will push up your premiums at renewal - which may be a good time to shop around for a better deal."

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