Department of justice dismisses 27 officials for misconduct

Published Aug 27, 2024


The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has dismissed 27 officials for various forms of misconduct.

This action is part of a broader initiative to address 81 appeal matters within the department, which included a total of 55 dismissals, 25 suspensions, and one warning.

According to Kgalalelo Masibi, chief director of communication management, these dismissals stem from serious misconduct cases involving offences such as fraud, theft, sexual harassment, and other violations.

“The misconduct in question ranged from fraud, theft, sexual harassment, and bringing the Department into disrepute, to absenteeism, abuse of state vehicles, and insubordination,“ Masibi said.

To date, the department has successfully finalised 31 of these appeals, with the result that 27 dismissals were upheld, while sanctions were reduced in four cases.

This outcome highlights the department’s commitment to ensuring that its officials adhere to the highest standards of conduct.

Masibi emphasised the department’s commitment to addressing all outstanding appeal matters swiftly.

“The Department remains resolute in its commitment to finalise all appeals lodged with the minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and continues to strengthen its internal controls to combat any conduct that undermines its ability to deliver justice services effectively and efficiently,” Masibi affirmed.

Masibi expressed confidence that these dismissals and the completion of related disciplinary processes will serve as a strong deterrent against future misconduct.

“The consequence management measures implemented underscore the Department’s dedication to clean governance.”

All outstanding appeal matters are being processed expeditiously and are expected to be concluded in due course, Masibi said.


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