Five in court for the alleged murder of missing Koster man

Five in court for allegedly killing a man at a farm in Koster, North West. Picture: Molaole Montsho

Five in court for allegedly killing a man at a farm in Koster, North West. Picture: Molaole Montsho

Published Jan 5, 2023


Rustenburg - Five people accused of killing Klaas Mosimanyana Jobontho at a farm in Doornlaagte near the small town of Koster in North West, appeared in court on Thursday.

Stefan Nel, 54, Donovan Martin, 20, Mustafa Alberrtyn, 39, Wayne Schroeder, 52, and Adam Barnard, 24, appeared in the Koster Magistrate's Court.

The case against them was postponed to January 9 for legal representation and investigation.

"The charges against Lourene Janse van Niewenhuisen were provisionally withdrawn, pending the outcome of the investigations.

“The five are facing a charge of murder, defeating the ends of justice and possession of unlicensed firearms," said NPA spokesperson in the North West division, Henry Mamothame.

He said an application was submitted to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in North West for the matter to be transferred to the High Court.

The five were arrested on December 21 in 2022, following the disappearance of Jobontho, 32, who was reported missing between December 16 and 21, 2022, in Koster.

Mamothame said police investigations led them to a plot in Doornlaagte, and upon their arrival, they were denied access by some of the accused.

"What became more suspicious to the police officers was people running between buildings, upon their arrival.

"The police managed to gain entry and they allegedly discovered traces of blood on the floor and a sleeping bag. Further dragging trails of blood led them to a storeroom where they found a decomposed body, with hands tied with indications of severe beating. Two firearms and ammunition were also recovered. Police investigations are still under way and a post-mortem is also conducted to establish the cause of death," said Mamothame.

The five were kept in custody and were expected to bring a formal bail application on January 9.