Pretoria man who murdered his wife with an axe while grandson, 6, watched, abandons bail

The husband assaulted his wife with an axe, shovel and a stick. File Image

The husband assaulted his wife with an axe, shovel and a stick. File Image

Published Apr 5, 2023


Cape Town - John Nkgudi, 52, man who killed his wife Tinny, 51, with a stick, shovel, and axe has abandoned his bail application in the Tsakani Magistrate’s Court.

According to the provincial spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Lumka Mahanjana, on January 28, Nkgudi is alleged to have come home drunk in the middle of the night and started arguing with his wife who was in their bedroom with their six-year-old grandson.

During the argument, it is alleged he then went outside and came back armed with a stick, shovel, and an axe.

Mahanjana said it is further alleged that Nkgudi started assaulting his wife in the presence of the grandson.

“During the assault, the deceased ran to the bathroom where she died. When the incident was happening, the six-year-old took footage of what was happening.

“When Nkgudi realised that the grandson was taking a video of the incident, he took his phone, assaulted him with a shovel, locked him in the wardrobe, and fled,” Mahanjana said.

The body of Tinny was discovered the next day by the couple’s daughter when she got home from work.

According to the preliminary investigation, when the daughter could not open the door, she broke in and found her wounded son the in wardrobe. She immediately contacted the police.

Her mother was declared dead on the scene.

Nkgudi was arrested two days later in a shack in Vukuzenzele.

After his arrest, he led police to a spot where he had hidden his blood-stained clothes.

Nkgudi is expected back in court on April 19.

The matter is set to be transferred to the regional court.

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