Visvin Reddy awaits Electoral Court outcome

Visvin Reddy. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/Independent Newspapers

Visvin Reddy. Picture: Tumi Pakkies/Independent Newspapers

Published May 28, 2024


Prominent Durban Umkhonto Wesizwe Party (MK Party) member Visvin Reddy will know on Tuesday, if he will be excluded from the party list to Parliament — with just hours to go before the elections.

A decision is expected from the Electoral Court later on Tuesday.

Reddy stands accused of contravening the Riotous Act earlier this year after he warned of violence if the MK Party was not allowed to contest the elections. He was cautioned by the party and apologised for his comments.

But, he remains under investigation and the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) went ahead and reported him to the Electoral Court where they requested his sanction and a fine of R200,000.

A finding against Reddy is expected to deepen tensions between the IEC and the MK Party. The party accuses the IEC of failing in its duty to be impartial and, instead, fighting an ‘African National Congress (ANC) battle’ against the MK.

The latest showdown between the two sides erupted a few days ago when MK accused the IEC of election fraud and vote rigging after seeing ballot boxes at storage facilities.

However, the IEC said the transportation of the boxes to the facilities were normal logistical arrangements ahead of the elections. The IEC was also considering legal action against those MK party members who walked into the storage centre.

Asked if the possibility of not going to Parliament would be a blow to his political career, Reddy said he was not bothered by that.

“Going to Parliament has never been my focus, I've declined that before,” he told IOL.

“What concerns me is the importance of having credibility in our institutions and pillars of democracy. The IEC must show it is impartial and act accordingly too. That's what I'm concerned about.”

In a last push before voters take to the polls on Wednesday, Reddy also reached out to Durban's Indian voters, pleading for a vote for the MK party.

“As a community that makes up less than 2% of the population, it is crucial that we move beyond the confines of supporting only ethnic Indian parties or aligning ourselves with White parties,” he said in a statement.

“By doing so, we risk jeopardising our future and the future of generations to come. We have a responsibility, a duty, to think beyond the narrow confines of our own interests and focus on the greater good for all South Africans,” he said.

“I implore each and every one of you to stand with me in this fight, in this moment that calls for our unwavering support. Let us unite and vote for the MK party.”