Equal Education urges ANC to withdraw Zizi Kodwa’s education committee nomination

Zizi Kodwa's nomination under fire as Equal Education urges ANC to Act. Picture: Bongiwe Mchunu

Zizi Kodwa's nomination under fire as Equal Education urges ANC to Act. Picture: Bongiwe Mchunu

Published Jul 11, 2024


Equal Education (EE) has urgently called on the African National Congress (ANC) to withdraw Ncediso Goodenough “Zizi” Kodwa’s nomination to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education.

EE has written to ANC Chief Whip Mdumiseni Ntuli, urging immediate action to remove Kodwa as a Member of Parliament (MP).

“The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated, as Kodwa’s nomination is an insult to the learners in South Africa who rely on effective legislative oversight to guarantee the provision of quality education,” EE stated.

The EE highlighted that the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education plays a crucial role in examining the Department of Basic Education's (DBE) plans and budget. Since Kodwa is out on bail for corruption charges, they find it “incomprehensible that an individual currently out on bail for corruption charges has been entrusted with this role”.

EE also pointed out that Kodwa faces serious corruption charges, alleging he received more than R1.7 million in bribes linked to government contracts. “These charges raise grave concerns about his suitability for this role in the national legislature,” they noted.

The ANC’s step-aside resolution, intended to tackle corruption, is not achieving its goals, according to EE. They stressed that Kodwa’s appointment undermines the resolution’s effectiveness and the credibility of parliamentary oversight.

In the new Government of National Unity (GNU), where the Minister of Basic Education is from the Democratic Alliance (DA), EE highlighted the importance of individuals with clean records in oversight roles. “Kodwa’s relative seniority, coupled with his tainted track record, risks exerting a negative influence on the committee,” they said.

The EE highlighted the importance of integrity in parliament. “When MPs are shrouded with a record of controversial behaviour, it not only shakes the public’s confidence in parliament but also taints the very integrity of this institution,” they stated.

They are convinced that “Kodwa is unfit to exercise his mandate as an MP, and as a member of the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education”.

As a youth-led social movement, EE declared, “We cannot stand by as the ANC appoints an individual whose actions undermine the very functions he is entrusted with as a member of such a critical committee in the National Assembly.”

They urged the ANC to “act swiftly on this matter in the best interests of all members of the school community, and to uphold the integrity of legislative oversight”.