Matric study tips for 2021 - a teachers guide

Who better than a teacher to guide you on how to study. Picture: Pexels

Who better than a teacher to guide you on how to study. Picture: Pexels

Published Oct 7, 2021


No one knows how to best advise the matrics of 2021 on how to handle their final National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations than a teacher who has taught the class.

This is based on knowing the pupil's attitudes, work ethic and mental state – especially following the Covid-19 pandemic and the academic time lost as a result.

A teacher also knows the worked covered once schools reopened and how Grade 12s reacted.

A Belhar High School teacher, who has been teaching matric Afrikaans since 2005, shared some useful study tips.

Tips to prepare for the exam.

Let me start by stating the obvious: YOU … MUST … STUDY!

Now let me state the not so obvious because it’s usually those small details that we tend to overlook, that make a huge difference in the end.

Do take regular short breaks and stay / become active. Your brain needs the rush of fresh oxygen and those feel-good hormones will help you to fight those study blues.

Eat healthily, but yes, do have that small piece of chocolate when you crave it, as that sugar rush you’ll be getting might just be what you need at that given time. The key is to strike a balance: don’t over-indulge, but now is not the time to start with fad diets either, please.

Do not try to study throughout the night before an exam. If you get enough sleep during the night, you won’t fall asleep when you have to be alert.

I want to remind matrics to remember that “you are not alone”. Also, parents, your child in matric needs you now more than ever. Make that cup of coffee / tea when it is needed and do ask them how they wrote after each exam.

Sacrifice now, to reap the rewards for the rest of your life. Good times and partying with your friends can wait. This too shall pass.

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