Cotton Top Tamarin Twins Born At San Antonio Zoo

Image: Supplied

Image: Supplied

Published Jan 18, 2023


San Antonio Zoo in Texas has welcomed the birth of two adorable Cotton Top Tamarin twins. The twins were born at the end of November and are important to securing a future for the species due to their conservation status in the wild.

Cotton Top Tamarins are critically endangered, with fewer than 6,000 individuals left in the wild due to habitat loss.

"2022 has been an incredible year of births," said Tim Morrow, President & CEO of San Antonio Zoo. "There are few things cuter than seeing baby animals interact with their parents and the world, we are fortunate to share that with our guests while helping secure a future for each species.”

Cotton Top Tamarins are only found in Colombia, where they live high in the canopy of the Amazonia Rainforest and eat fresh fruit, bugs, and tree sap. They generally have twins when giving birth, though in the wild, usually, only one survives.

Like humans, Cotton Top Tamarins live in large family groups until they reach sexual maturity and start their own families. At San Antonio Zoo, both parents participate in child rearing, the babies can be found on both mom and dad.

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