IFP Youth Brigade calls for urgent removal of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande amid NSFAS saga

The IFP Youth Brigade calls for the urgent removal of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande amid the NSFAS saga. File Picture: Chris Collingridge / Independent Newspapers

The IFP Youth Brigade calls for the urgent removal of Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande amid the NSFAS saga. File Picture: Chris Collingridge / Independent Newspapers

Published Nov 8, 2023


As the call for his removal intensifies, the Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade (IFPYB) national chairperson, Sanele Zondo has called for the urgent resignation of the Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande.

Zondo also called upon the minister to take full responsibility for the failings within NSFAS, stating that the call was not made lightly but in recognition of the gravity of the situation the students are facing.

The call comes in light of the recent decision by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Board to terminate the contracts of all four direct payment service providers responsible for disbursing allowances to NSFAS-funded students.

"This crisis demands our immediate attention, and I call upon the Minister to take responsibility for this failure, consider the implications of his leadership, and step down with immediate effect," he said.

In a statement, Zondo said that the board's decision to terminate the contracts emphasised the persistent and systematic issues plaguing the distribution of financial aid to students who relied on the funds to further their education.

"It is a matter of great concern that, despite repeated assurances and promises, the problems continue to persist, leaving countless students in a state of uncertainty and financial distress," he said.

He said NSFAS was established with the intention of providing financial support to underprivileged students to pursue higher education, but regrettably, it was a mere shadow of that purpose.

He added that students and the nation's future were suffering gravely due to the inefficiencies and mismanagement within the scheme.

According to Zondo, scores of students were writing their exams on empty stomachs, unable to afford meals or basic necessities, adding that their dreams of a "brighter future" were crushed under the weight of hunger and despair.

"This is not just a matter of statistics; these are the lives of our youth, and we cannot turn a blind eye to their suffering," he said.

He stressed that students who depended on NSFAS funding deserved a system that functions efficiently and reliably to ensure that their studies continued without unnecessary hurdles and delays.

"The collapse of NSFAS goes beyond the economic repercussions; it erodes the social fabric of our nation. It undermines the principles of equality and access to education that underpin our democracy.

"It sows the seeds of disillusionment among our youth and threatens to exacerbate the existing inequalities that persist in our society," he said.

Zondo vowed to support affected students to ensure that their issues were addressed.

"It is the duty of our leaders to ensure that the educational aspirations of our youth are met with the necessary support and resources," he said.

As the IFPYB, he said they were committed to standing up for the rights and interests of young people.

This included students across the country, and they would continue to work towards a higher education system that is fair, accessible, and conducive to the success of every aspiring young person.

He said students deserved better, and their dreams must not be abandoned due to bureaucratic failures.

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