Six years behind bars for KZN man who stole a truck during the looting in July that he planned to use ‘to visit relatives’

Published Mar 7, 2022


Durban: A KZN man who pleaded guilty to stealing a truck during July’s unrest in KZN has been sentenced to an effective six years behind bars.

Mvelo Majola was convicted and sentenced in the the Durban Regional Court.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority, Majola pleaded guilty to the theft of a motor vehicle during the looting and civil unrest that took place in KwaZulu-Natal in July 2021.

“The vehicle, a Hino truck, was one of nine vehicles stolen from Pharmed Pharmaceuticals in Riverhorse Valley, in Nandi Drive,” said NPA spokesperson in KZN, Natasha Kara.

“In his plea, Majola said he knew of some people that participated in the looting spree, and one of them had given him the vehicle.

“Majola told the police he wanted to use the vehicle to visit some of his friends and relatives and he planned to abandon the vehicle once he was done with it.”

Majola was arrested a few days later when police stopped him and asked about the branded company vehicle.

“When he could not answer their questions, police called the number branded on the truck and the person who answered indicated that the vehicle had been stolen during the looting. The owner was able to identify the truck.”

In aggravation of sentence, Regional Court prosecutor Vishalen Moodley told the court that the looting and theft that took place during the unrest was opportunistic and those who took part had no regard for the rule of law or people’s belongings.

“He asked the court to pass a custodial sentence as a warning to others who participated in such reckless behaviour.”

The National Prosecuting Authority commended the work of the prosecution and investigating team.


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