Skills courses are crucial with SA’s unemployment stats and embattled economy

Published Oct 4, 2023


The present South African employment market is grave, with increased competition and unpredictability.

As a result, people began to develop a portfolio of skills to distinguish themselves and secure their professional competitiveness.

For most people, changing careers and enrolling in a new sector is just not an option.

This is where skills courses come in, by allowing individuals to quickly up-skill, cross-skill, and re-skill in order to take advantage of existing possibilities.

This is according to the marketing manager at Oxbridge Academy, Siyavuya Makubalo.

“In our current dynamic landscape, traditional qualifications alone may no longer suffice to secure stable and rewarding career opportunities,” said Makubalo.

“This is where skills courses are making a big difference, by empowering individuals to upskill, cross-skill and re-skill so that they can take advantage of available opportunities.”

She went on to say that skills courses, as opposed to long degrees that demand a significant commitment of time and money, are short learning programmes that focus on building a single skill or ability for a specified goal.

“They offer a bridge to the evolving job market, enhance employability, and promote adaptability and resilience,” she said.

“Embracing continuous learning through skills courses equips individuals with the tools to thrive professionally and instils confidence and purpose, as well as reflecting well on the applicant’s drive during the job search process.”

Makubalo offered more reasons as to why skills courses are important:

Bridging the gap

The growing skills gap is one of the most important issues confronting both job seekers and businesses. Many conventional educational courses are failing to keep up with the speed of innovation as industries expand and employment needs change.

Enabling adaptability and change

Adaptability and resilience are critical for job success in times of economic volatility.

Skills classes provide people the tools they need to reinvent themselves and pivot their professions. Professionals may explore new options and remain marketable in many industries by learning new skills, limiting their sensitivity to economic changes.

Meeting industry standards

Different sectors have different needs, and skills classes help to address those needs.

Skills courses guarantee that professionals have the competence to contribute effectively to their chosen industries. From digital marketing and data analysis to coding and project management, while also ensuring that their skills remain relevant to business demands.

Opening door to entrepreneurship

Individuals may create and operate their own businesses with confidence if they master industry-specific skills, company management, marketing and financial planning.