Unemployed Limpopo woman claims the R22m Lotto jackpot she won via Capitec bank

A Limpopo woman has claimed her R22 million Lotto winnings. Picture: Supplied (Ithuba)

A Limpopo woman has claimed her R22 million Lotto winnings. Picture: Supplied (Ithuba)

Published Feb 22, 2023


Durban - A Limpopo woman, who has been unemployed for seven years, is now a millionaire after bagging the R22 million Lotto jackpot in the February 11 draw.

She was the first person to win a Lotto jackpot by using the Capitec banking app.

National Lottery Ithuba said the woman was notified by Capitec via an SMS.

“She then visited her bank’s branch to verify the info before visiting the Ithuba offices to process her claim.”

The winner said she played the National Lottery games weekly.

“This is the first time I have won such a big amount.

“I am so happy and so relieved. I have always wanted financial freedom, and winning this jackpot has given that to me,” said the winner.

The winner said she had been sustaining herself by selling beauty products as well as offering her services as a hairdresser.

She now plans to further her studies in electrical engineering, build a house for her mother and invest in her children’s education.

“In terms of giving back to my community, I would like to help and empower young underprivileged girls,” she added.

Ithuba CEO Charmaine Mabuza said: “We are thrilled to have our first Capitec Lotto multimillionaire winner.

“The National Lottery is in the business of changing lives and we look forward to creating more millionaires in the upcoming year.”