WATCH: Ameer de Kock clears the air on Mishqah and Anushka saga that played out on TikTok and led to criminal charges



Published Sep 12, 2023


The man at the centre of a reported Mitchells Plain love triangle has come forward to tell his side of the Mishqah and Anushka saga.

This follows the release of a vicious video on social media showing Beacon Valley mom Mishqah Arend being attacked by her love rival, Anushka Braaf, 23.

While Anushka now faces criminal charges for the attack, Ameer de Kock has finally come out to clear the air on the events leading up to the incident.

Anushka Braaf, 23, faces assault charges. Picture: Supplied

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Voice, the 27-year-old man said people have their facts wrong about his relationships with the young moms and claims there was never a love triangle.

Instead, he said, he was embroiled in a battle with his baby mama and former wife, Anushka, after she became aware of his plans to marry Mishqah.

Ameer said he grew up in the same community as Mishqah and was in a relationship with her many years ago.

"I grew up near Mishqah, and we were together, but we later split up. About five years ago, I met Anushka, and we had our nikah on a Thursday night because she fell pregnant," he said.

"Mishqah moved on with her life and had a boyfriend that she had a child with.

"During this time, Anushka gave birth to a stillborn baby, but then three years ago she got pregnant again, and we had our son.

"During that time, I did a talaq, and we were split for almost three years, but now she sommer (for no reason) blames Mishqah for the baby that died.

"There was never anything between me and Mishqah when I was married."

A video of how Anushka attacks Mishqah Arend went viral. Picture: Supplied

Ameer said that his son came to live with him in his family home and often went to visit Anushka, but he claimed his ex began acting irrationally when she heard of his new relationship.

"It was only a year ago that Mishqah and I started talking again, and when Anushka found out I am with Mishqah, that is when she started acting mal (crazy), and I don’t know why, because she moved on with her life and so did I.

"Before that video, we were at my house together, and Anushka jumped through a window and started attacking us. She just started moering (hitting) both of us and hit me on my bek (mouth).

"I had to hold her vas (tightly) so that Mishqah could escape, and that is when my parents arrived," he said.

He said Mishqah was allegedly told by Anushka to pay Ameer’s child support after he refused, saying the child was living in his home and was already being provided for.

"I don’t pay her support because he lives with me. She even sent Mishqah her bank details and tried to get her to pay for things," he said.

He says on the night of the video attack, he had no idea Mishqah had gone to meet with Anushka.

A screengrab of the actual attack. Picture: Screengrab

"Mense (people) in the community came to tell me she was being attacked. I had no idea that she was going to meet Anushka.

"Anushka told her she wanted to say maaf (apologise) for the first attack, and that is why she went.

"When she asks for the cellphone and the charger, it’s because she wanted to take Mishqah’s phone away and give it to her sister," he said.

He said after the attack, people posted photographs of him on social media mocking his appearance, but hit back: "I don’t give a f*** but what I want to say to the public is ‘come and meet me for yourself, and you will see exactly the type of person I am’.

"I had no idea that she was at Mishqah’s house until I saw the video blowing up. I want justice for Mishqah."

Mishqah has confirmed Ameer’s version of events.

When approached for comment, Anushka declined, saying Ameer had every right to tell his story and she "is okay with her side not being told".

Meanwhile, the case against Anushka is scheduled to proceed on October 13. She has been excused from court until her testimony is required.