WATCH: Cape Town motorists informed of dangers of smash and grab incidents



Published Apr 5, 2022


Cape Town - As smash and grab incidents continue to rise, the City of Cape Town has urged motorists to practise caution and be vigilant on the road.

Mayoral committee member for safety and security Alderman JP Smith has released a video of a smash and grab incident along Jakes Gerwel Drive after the court case has been concluded.

Details of the court case have not been released though.

“A smash 'n grab incident that occurred in 2017 has been concluded now in court and we are able to release a video of the incident.

“In an effort to raise awareness, we plead with motorists to ensure they have stowed valuables out of sight whilst driving,” Smith said.

In the video, a woman in a Fiat is accosted by two men at first.

Later, another two accomplices join in and rob her of her belongings.

City of Cape Town cameras catch everything on film and manage to alert Metro Police and follow the suspects as they attempt to flee and disappear between the shacks in a nearby township.

Smith has also urged motorists to stop with enough distance before the vehicle in front as to allow space in case of an emergency.

“It can also be a good practice to keep your car in gear and ready to pull off quickly if the need arises,” Smith said.

The City has asked motorists to also lock all doors and close windows.

It also said that when approaching a red traffic light at night, slow down so that you will only reach the crossing when the light has already turned green.

Be wary of people loitering about at traffic lights or intersections.

Do not take pamphlets from or get into discussions with vendors at intersections.