WATCH: ‘Elon Musk must have a humiliation fetish’

X owner Elon Musk changed the tagline of the platform, leading to resounding scrutiny and laughs. File Picture

X owner Elon Musk changed the tagline of the platform, leading to resounding scrutiny and laughs. File Picture

Published Aug 6, 2023


South African tech billionaire Elon Musk is once again a hot topic for netizens. This time it has to do with X, formerly Twitter’s new tagline, “Blaze Your Glory”.

One popular online personality who has taken to mocking this tagline is the hugely successful streamer and YouTuber, Charles White who is popularly known as Penguinz0 or MoistCr1TiKal.


White did not hold back and let it fly about what he thought about X and its owner, Musk.

“I thought there were no more jokes to make about this low-hanging fruit until they released the new official tagline. I could not believe it, my jaw was on the floor. I was more stunned by this tagline than I was to the ending of Inception,” he said.

The YouTuber added that he thought it was a prank because no one could be that uncool to come up with such a slogan. He apparently also did not understand what the meaning behind it is.

“I don’t think evolution can allow for someone to be this uncool. We did not evolve over the course of millions of years to reach a point where someone has reached the apotheosis (peak) of cringe.”

White also claimed that “Blaze Your Glory” sounds like a sexual euphemism. “Like f***, I am up late, lotion on my hands and I am blazing my glory right now.”

He checked on the app store if this tagline was real and said he could not believe that he lives in such a cursed dimension.

On Musk, he said, “I can’t get over his obsession with the letter X, he named one of his children that ... There is no one but ‘yes men’ surrounding him and he is just going wild. It is just a non-stop roller-coaster of embarrassment.

“I think there is a chance that he has some kind of humiliation fetish. The more people criticise him, the more he wants to be insulted for it. This seems deliberate.”